Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Ethics in Management - Ethical Management

Facilitative and positive leadership is linked to ethics in management, and it begins with a solid understanding of the self. Some argue that the key elements to positive leadership are self-awareness, self-discipline, and self-efficacy, which then leads to the servant leader, who serves the corporation and the workers by focusing on corporate objectives and goals rather than personal goals. Self-awareness, has little to do with contemplating one's navel high in the mountains of India. It is based on a genuine understanding of one's emotions and selfish tendencies, leading to emotional control and emotional intelligence, the ability to see beyond personal aggrandizement and to display a managerial effectiveness that "does not vary" from situation to situation.

Technology has created a new, and younger, leadership corps that is well versed in technological innovation, but not so knowledgeable in management and leadership skills. Psychological knowledge can bridge that gap by providing an understanding of human factors that are usually learned, if at all, through years of on the job experience. These factors include, for example, body language, presentation of self, and motivational theory. Many theorists argue that American corporate culture was creating a Marxian like alienation in its white collar workers, who began to feel isolated and powerless in a bureaucratic world that mandated decision making and problem solving from above, and sought to remove the personality and individual characteristics of its workers. Bureaucracy and its rigid enforcement of rules and regulations was strangling innovation and satisfaction within the workforce. One solution is to eliminate the rule of bureaucracy and allow workers more input into their jobs, which would create a sense of control over their own destinies. His argument for empowerment as a source of innovation is the foundation of much of modern management and workplace theory.

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The ethics of management is tied closely to the pursuit of worker motivation, value acquisition and learning principles. Management must serve the company. Ethical managers must never serve themselves or their own personal agendas. To increase ethics in management, managers can nurture and foster their teams and workers by improving performance through the use of learning and value acquisition tools such as seminars, tuition reimbursement for outside courses relating to work and job performance, and encouraging workers to gain transferable skills which will benefit their careers. Ethical managers do not practice negative power and realize that educating a workforce can only help meet the company's objectives and goals.

Ethics in Management - Ethical Management
Ethics in Management - Ethical Management

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Human Resource Management and Organizational Effectiveness

1. Introduction

Organizational effectiveness depends on having the right people in the right jobs at the right time to meet rapidly changing organizational requirements. Right people can be obtained by performing the role of Human Resource (HR) function. Below is an outline and explanation of how to assess the HR functions of an organization by using HR activities in an architectural firm as an example. Human resource management (HRM), as defined by Bratton, J. & Gold, J. (2003), is

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"A strategic approach to managing employment relations which emphasizes that leveraging people's capabilities is critical to achieving sustainable competitive advantage, this being achieved through a distinctive set of integrated employment policies, programmes and practices."

Human Resource Management and Organizational Effectiveness

According to this definition, we can see that human resource management should not merely handle recruitment, pay, and discharging, but also should maximize the use of an organization's human resources in a more strategic level. To describe what the HRM does in the organization, Ulrich, D. & Brocklebank, W. (2005) have outlined some of the HRM roles such as employee advocate, human capital developer, functional expert, strategic partner and HR leader etc.

An important aspect of an organization's business focus and direction towards achieving high levels of competency and competitiveness would depend very much upon their human resource management practices to contribute effectively towards profitability, quality, and other goals in line with the mission and vision of the company.

Staffing, training, compensation and performance management are basically important tools in the human resources practices that shape the organization's role in satisfying the needs of its stakeholders. Stakeholders of an organization comprise mainly of stockholders who will want to reap on their investments, customers whose wants and desires for high quality products or services are met, employees who want their jobs in the organization to be interesting with reasonable compensation and reward system and lastly, the community who would want the company to contribute and participate in activities and projects relating to the environmental issues. Common rules and procedures of human resource management must be adhered to by the organization which forms basic guidelines on its practices. Teamwork among lower levels of staff and the management should be created and maintained to assist in various angles that would deem necessary in eliminating communication breakdowns and foster better relationship among workers. The management should emphasize on good corporate culture in order to develop employees and create a positive and conducive work environment

Performance appraisal (PA) is one of the important components in the rational and systemic process of human resource management. The information obtained through performance appraisal provides foundations for recruiting and selecting new hires, training and development of existing staff, and motivating and maintaining a quality work force by adequately and properly rewarding their performance. Without a reliable performance appraisal system, a human resource management system falls apart, resulting in the total waste of the valuable human assets a company has.

There are two primary purposes of performance appraisal: evaluative and developmental. The evaluative purpose is intended to inform people of their performance standing. The collected performance data are frequently used to reward high performance and to punish poor performance. The developmental purpose is intended to identify problems in employees performing the assigned task. The collected performance data are used to provide necessary skill training or professional development.

2. Affirmative action has assisted many members of minority groups in creating equal opportunities in education and employment. Who could object to assisting these minorities, who suffered years of discrimination, in getting the equal opportunity they deserve? The problem is, affirmative action promotes racial preferences and quotas which cause mixed emotions. One time supporters of affirmative action are now calling out "reverse discrimination". If we want a stronger support for affirmative action we need to get rid of the preferential treatments.

The back bone of affirmative action began with the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment. The amendment abolished slavery and any involuntary labor, is showed there was a calling for equal opportunity for all South Africans.

A comprehensive Human Resource Strategy plays a vital role in the achievement of an organisation's overall strategic objectives and visibly illustrates that the human resources function fully understands and supports the direction in which the organisation is moving. A comprehensive HR Strategy will also support other specific strategic objectives undertaken by the marketing, financial, operational and technology departments.

In essence, an HR strategy should aim to capture "the people element" of what an organisation is hoping to achieve in the medium to long term, ensuring that:-

o it has the right people in place

o it has the right mix of skills

o employees display the right attitudes and behaviours, and

o employees are developed in the right way.

If, as is sometimes the case, organisation strategies and plans have been developed without any human resource input, the justification for the HR strategy may be more about teasing out the implicit people factors which are inherent in the plans, rather than simply summarising their explicit "people" content.

An HR strategy will add value to the organisation if it:

o articulates more clearly some of the common themes which lie behind the achievement of other plans and strategies, which have not been fully identified before; and

o identifies fundamental underlying issues which must be addressed by any organisation or business if its people are to be motivated, committed and operate effectively.

The first of these areas will entail a careful consideration of existing or developing plans and strategies to identify and draw attention to common themes and implications, which have not been made explicit previously.

The second area should be about identifying which of these plans and strategies are so fundamental that there must be clear plans to address them before the organisation can achieve on any of its goals. These are likely to include:

o workforce planning issues

o succession planning

o workforce skills plans

o employment equity plans

o black economic empowerment initiatives

o motivation and fair treatment issues

o pay levels designed to recruit, retain and motivate people

o the co-ordination of approaches to pay and grading across the organisation to create alignment and potential unequal pay claims

o a grading and remuneration system which is seen as fair and giving proper reward for contributions made

o wider employment issues which impact on staff recruitment, retention, motivation etc.

o a consistent performance management framework which is designed to meet the needs of all sectors of the organisation including its people

o career development frameworks which look at development within the organisation at equipping employees with "employability" so that they can cope with increasingly frequent changes in employer and employment patterns

o policies and frameworks to ensure that people development issues are addressed systematically: competence frameworks, self-managed learning etc.

The HR strategy will need to show that careful planning of the people issues will make it substantially easier for the organisation to achieve its wider strategic and operational goals.

In addition, the HR strategy can add value is by ensuring that, in all its other plans, the organisation takes account of and plans for changes in the wider environment, which are likely to have a major impact on the organisation, such as:

o changes in the overall employment market - demographic or remuneration levels

o cultural changes which will impact on future employment patterns

o changes in the employee relations climate

o changes in the legal framework surrounding employment

o HR and employment practice being developed in other organisations, such as new flexible work practices.

Finding the right opportunity to present a case for developing an HR Strategy is critical to ensuring that there will be support for the initiative, and that its initial value will be recognised by the organisation.

Giving a strong practical slant to the proposed strategy may help gain acceptance for the idea, such as focusing on good management practice. It is also important to build "early or quick wins" into any new strategy.

Other opportunities may present the ideal moment to encourage the development of an HR Strategy:-

o a major new internal initiative could present the right opportunity to push for an accompanying HR strategy, such as a restructuring exercise, a corporate acquisition, joint venture or merger exercise.

o a new externally generated initiative could similarly generate the right climate for a new HR strategy - e.g. Black economic empowerment initiatives.

o In some instances, even negative news may provide the "right moment", for example, recent industrial action or employee dissatisfaction expressed through a climate survey.

Human Resource Management and Organizational Effectiveness

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Monday, July 23, 2012

10 Management Tips for Managing Difficult People

"When managing difficult people, if it isn't written down, it's as if it didn't happen."

Many managers and supervisors are promoted to management positions based on their hard skills. Yet few of them have had training in the area of managing people. Especially managing difficult people. In conducting seminars on managing people, one challenge I hear managers and supervisors face nowadays is how to manage a difficult employee. You can't control them, but you can control their environment in the hopes of coaching the employee to better performance.

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Here are 10 Management Tips for Managing Difficult People:

10 Management Tips for Managing Difficult People

1. Document, document, document. As far as the courts are concerned, if it isn't written down it's as if it didn't happen. Even if you have a prospective employee sign a form saying they know they can be terminated at any time, without cause, and without warning or reason. You never want to terminate without proper documentation. Terminating an employee without cause, reason, or prior warning, can make it easier for the difficult person to win a wrongful termination lawsuit.

2. Document training and coaching. Any type of training you provide for your difficult employee is considered coaching. In managing difficult people, many managers assume the documentation is to build a case for termination. It is not! It's really to show everything you did to try and salvage the difficult employee. This includes any and all training. Whether you trained the employee, someone else trained them, or you sent them to a seminar to be coached to better performance.

3. Avoid the word "attitude." In managing difficult people, why would you want to avoid saying something like, "Pat, I don't like your attitude?" Because it's too subjective. It's not specific enough.

4. Focus instead on specific behaviors or the quality of their work. For example, what should you do if every time you delegate a special project to the difficult person, they fold their arms, exhale loudly, roll their eyes, and sarcastically mutter under their breath, "Okay, whatever?!" You would want to say in a low controlled tone something like, "Pat, every time I delegate a special project to you, the arms are folded, you're rolling your eyes, muttering under your breath, 'Okay, whatever.' What seems to be the cause of this?" Notice I listed specific behaviors. So focus on facts.

5. Be objective, not subjective. As mentioned, when managing difficult people, be objective by mentioning specific behaviors, or specific declines in the quality of their work. For example, when documenting the employee's "attitude," you might document the following: "Every time I delegated a special project to Pat so-and-so, he/she would fold their arms, exhale loudly, roll their eyes, and mutter under their breath, "Okay, whatever!" Now, if this were ever read by a jury, or your H. R. department if you have one, or your manager, they would have a clear picture of this person's attitude.

"When managing difficult people, it's imperative that you make their goals and objectives measurable, specific, quantifiable, and in writing for accountability."

6. Provide specific examples of the behavior or quality of work you want. Put it in writing for accountability. When managing difficult people, it's imperative that as their manager or supervisor, you're making their goals and objectives clear. For example, if they're doing clerical work, they are to, "Correct and proofread all required reports for the quality control department." Or if they're in customer service, an example of a measurable, quantifiable, specific goal would be that they are to, "Respond to all customer complaints within 48 hours of receiving them." If they're in manufacturing, they are to, "Produce 35% more wingbats by December 15 of this year. "

7. Be aware of how you present yourself. When managing difficult people, remember, you are their role model. Be aware of your eye contact. Typically look at the person for two to five seconds. You don't want to stare at them bug eyed! But you also don't want to avoid looking at them because you'll come across as too passive, too wishy-washy. They'll sense you're fear of confrontation.

Having lots of eye contact can be difficult for some people because in some cultures, children are brought up that it's disrespectful to have eye contact with their elders. It can be difficult to unlearn these habits. Also, watch your tone of voice. Use a low controlled tone. Be aware of your body language, too. Study after study shows that fully 93% of what people notice and believe about you in face-to-face communication is based on your tone and body language.

8. Be very clear and concise in spelling out the consequences of what could happen if they don't improve. For example, if this is a verbal warning, you might say to the employee, "You know our policy here, and right now this is a verbal warning. As it says in our handbook, if there isn't sustainable and maintained improvement including and beyond the next thirty days, it could result in further disciplinary action. Or, it could even result in termination." In managing difficult people, one of the golden rules is you don't want the employee to ever be able to say that they "weren't warned." Or, "I didn't know. You didn't tell me that."

9. Get at the root cause of what is causing the employee to be difficult. For example, do they simply not like their job? Would they rather be in a different department? Are there personal issues going on with the difficult person that you need to know about? While it's not your business to know what they do outside of work, it is your business if it's something that's affecting their work performance.

You can simply say to the difficult person, "Is everything okay? Is there anything going on that I need to know about? Because this drop in performance just doesn't seem like you. As your manager/supervisor I want to see you succeed. And I've noticed a real decline in the quality of your work, for example...." Then, give very specific examples. Remember, be objective not subjective. Focus on facts. Attack the problem not the difficult person. Attack the behavior not the person.

In managing difficult people, a lot of this is common-sense. Yet, as mentioned earlier, most managers, supervisors and team leaders are promoted to leadership positions based on the fact that they were doing a great job. But that doesn't mean they know how to manage difficult people.

10. In managing difficult people, have follow up performance-related meetings with the difficult employee. For two reasons: First, it's what the courts want to see. Second, it does the employee a great disservice if they make a big turn-around and you don't acknowledge it. Have a date and a time in writing for when you and the difficult person are going to meet again. And do meet! According to research one of the main reasons employee improvement plans fail is lack of follow-up on the part of the manager.

"When managing difficult people, most of us know what to do. We just don't always 'do' with what we know."

10 Management Tips for Managing Difficult People

Colleen Kettenhofen is an Arizona motivational speaker, author and workplace expert. She is co-author of The Masters of Success, featured on NBC's Today Show. For free video clips, articles, e-newsletter visit http://www.ColleenSpeaks.com [http://www.colleenspeaks.com/ Colleen is available for keynotes, breakout sessions and seminars by calling (800)323-0683. colleen@colleenspeaks.com <A href=]

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Sunday, July 22, 2012

How to Relax Your Mind and Ease Your Stress in 60 Seconds

Have you ever felt like the earth is spinning faster and faster each day? That you always feel there are so many things to do in so little time? That you feel like the hands of the clock are moving so fast or in some cases so slow?

Well, let me share with you that all these feelings are actually being manipulated by your MIND. Every single thing we do these days is identified and controlled by our minds. For example, you're identified by your own mind, you think who you are. You also use your mind to identify and judge others.

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Therefore, it's small wonder that we always feel stress, restless and tense. Because we are always on a race with our minds. Well, time to learn how to RELAX and UNWIND. Cut your mind some slack!

How to Relax Your Mind and Ease Your Stress in 60 Seconds

Here is how to relax your mind in 60 seconds...

Focus on your breathing. This is not the usual breathing exercise described in many self-help books. What I'm trying to share with you is to be aware of your breathing. You can do this anywhere, it doesn't matter. I just want you to notice or give attention to your breath.

When you inhale, try to feel the air coming into your nostril. Similarly, when you exhale, try to notice the air coming out from your nostril. Also, notice that your lower abdomen is expanding slightly when you inhale and contracting when you exhale.

If you take a short breath, notice that it's a short breath. If it's a long breath, notice that it's a long breath. In other words, just act as an observer - to observe and notice how you breathe. Just do this for 60 seconds, and you will immediately feel the "stillness" in your mind.

Do this practice daily every time when you feel there is stress or tension. It will bring calmness to you almost immediately. It's easy to do and can be practiced anywhere and anytime.

Another of my favorite way to unwind and relax my mind is by using what is known as meditative sounds. There are many variaties, the one I use is called Binaural Harmonics. What I normally do is just put on a headphone when I'm travelling by bus, train or plane. You can also listen to it when you're driving.

The meditative sounds are specially designed to stop your normal thought or mind patterns, bringing your mind to an altered state of consciousness. In a layman term, it basically means to get rid of all the clutters in your mind and instills calmness and stillness into it.

Listening to meditative sounds on a regular basis not only can relax your mind but it also helps to relax your body and allow you to think more clearly. If you want more information, you can watch a video at my blog (see link below).

How to Relax Your Mind and Ease Your Stress in 60 Seconds

Go to how to practice basic meditation to watch the meditative sounds video for more understanding (scroll down a bit to watch the video when you reach that page). More personal development tips on various topics can also be found at my blog.

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Friday, July 20, 2012

What Is Psychological Stress?

Stress is a complex term to define. It's simplest definition might be that it is an event or situation that forces a person to adapt to the event. Stress is the event itself and the reaction to that event within the person experiencing it. Thus stress is completely subjective. What may be stressful to one person might be pleasant or fun to another. Flying, for example, can cause some people to develop anxieties and panic attacks while others love to fly and look forward to the flight. What is more, everyone's body responds in the same way to a stressful event, or any event for that matter, but the people that suffer from stress related illness and problems find it hard to turn their body's response off.

Psychological stress is more to do with the turning off of the body's stress responses to a situation.

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The body's stress response is to increase the flow of hormones adrenaline and cortisol in the bloodstream. This has the affect of raising the heart rate, redirecting blood from the extremities and stomach to the vital organs, changing the consistency of the blood for potential injury and making our senses more aware.

What Is Psychological Stress?

You could liken this to the charge in a battery. The body charges itself up to a high voltage ready for discharge. In the analogy of the battery, if we were to keep on charging the battery without a chance for it to discharge it would eventually explode. If our body's continue to be flooded with adrenaline and our heart rate is constantly high we will develop health problems which could be fatal.

Psychological stress may have evolved from a real event that caused an emotional disturbance in the past. This event may have been the messy splitting up from a relationship that lead to emotional pain. As the event recedes into the past other sentiments within the persons psyche tend to cause anxiety and stress. So the person might feel unattractive to the opposite sex or lose confidence in socialising with people. These issues will cause stress for the person and can lead to other behaviours that induce stress. They may find it hard to stay focussed or feel that their personality is disintegrating or get anxiety attacks.

All these issues are, effectively, in the mind of the person. They will cause the body to react as if it was under some form of stress when in fact it is not. If this continues for any length of time the person could suffer from ill-health.

Through counselling the person can understand that these issues are not important because there is nothing that the person can do to change the event. Counselling can help people to accept the initial stressful event and rationalise the subsequent stress inducing thoughts. The biggest problem with psychological stress however is that the average person cannot identify psychological stress let alone trace it back to a source. This is why some form of counselling or group sessions can help but many people are reluctant to do this because they feel uncomfortable admitting something is wrong.

What Is Psychological Stress?

If you are concerned about your own stress levels and want ways to manage stress then visit http://stressmanagementreview.com . Adrian Whittle writes on stress related issues, including how stress affects your health and common symptoms of stress.

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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Stress Causes Of Shingles

Shingles (herpes zoster) can only occur in people that have previously had Chickenpox. Chickenpox is never completed eradicated from the body and lies dormant. It can be reactivated at any time by a number of causes, one of which could be excessive stress. The result is normally a localised rash which could be painful or itchy. Other things that may cause shingles are being run down, old age or weakened immune systems.

Stress can cause shingles because chronic stress will affect the immune system. Normally, during a stressful event the body will change the way the immune system will work. This is done by passing adrenaline and cortisol through the bloodstream. In terms of the immune system this will increase the consistency of the blood to make it thicker or sticky. This is in case of injuries that require clotting to seal the injury. This will increase the amount of plasma in the blood. Should the body become injured it will have to fight off potential bacteria and disease. The immune system responds by producing more white blood cells which fight against foreign bodies that may harm the body.

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This is fine for sudden stress but if the stress is prolonged and becomes chronic then the immune system is constantly on high alert. This will mean the blood will be thicker than normal which can have further health complications. There will be too many white blood cells in the bloodstream than is needed. An over stimulated immune system has two consequences for the body. It works too well and starts to attack parts of the body or bacteria that live in the body that work in synergy with the body to attack disease. Or, it becomes so conditioned to working at a heightened level that it does not respond to mild diseases or ailments that enter the body. This is why people that are under stress often complain about catching colds easily. This generally leads to a feeling of being run-down and tired.

Stress Causes Of Shingles

In the case of shingles, it is believed that the immune system is weakened and the body is run-down. This contributes to the reactivating of the chicken pox virus, as the body cannot suppress the virus. This leads to rashes occurring on the body that can be painful or itchy. The rashes can last for days weeks or months. In some cases they can last for years. For temporary relief you can apply a soothing agent like aloe vera, for example. If the rash persists it is advisable to consult your doctor.

Stress Causes Of Shingles

Stress can cause outbreaks of shingles and many other illnesses. To find out how stress affects health and how to develop a stress management program visit http://stressmanagementreview.com Adrian Whittle writes on many stress related issues including common symptoms of stress and ways to relieve stress.

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Stress Management in Law Enforcement

Recently, especially after the 9-11 tragedy, people have begun to look at police officers and law enforcement specialists as strong individuals, rightfully earning the lofty "Finest" title. They are tough, rough, and always ready to protect and serve. Law-abiding civilians feel safer when there are police officers on regular patrol in their neighborhoods and communities, and citizens living in safe localities often carry out useful, happy, stress-free lives.

Yet, in keeping their pillar-of-strength perceptions, police officers tend to keep to themselves when it comes to their own personal trials and tribulations. They regularly deal with the worst of what society has to offer, and they make special sacrifices to maintain the peace. In the process, doing their duty slowly eats away at their own health and satisfaction in life.

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To make matters worse, police officers operate on a less social manner than other public safety and emergency service workers. Paramedics and firefighters are trained to work as a group, but they do not pound the streets as police officers do. This results in police officers being spread too thinly to cover their areas of jurisdiction, often having to work alone or with one partner.

Stress Management in Law Enforcement

A police officer's career is marked by frequent encounters with violence and recklessness. The very ills of society that distress civilians so much also have negative effects on a police officer's psyche. As the stress of police duty builds up, the police officer may soon experience bouts of anger, depression, or disillusion. Over time, these psychological indispositions may cause strained relationships with co-workers, friends, and family, and ultimately lead to resignation, early retirement, or - worst of all - suicide. Yes, it has happened before.

Recent studies about the psychological health of police officers have taken note of these occurrences. Most often these are signs of the progression of a Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD usually starts with the police officer encountering a particularly disturbing incident during police duty that he can't possibly deal with all at once. PTSD is a severe illness that grows worse with each passing year it is left untreated.

As it goes without saying that police officers have perhaps the most stressful jobs in the civilian world, they also need a measure of stress management to help them cope with the rigors of police duty. Over the years, special stress management programs have been made for police officers and other workers in law enforcement. To varying degrees, these stress management programs differ from those offered for civilians and the wage-earning population.

Stress management in law enforcement includes regular psychological therapy. Police officers may be made to undergo sessions with a therapist. These can coax the police officer to identify any woes he might have with his career and ultimately arrive at beneficial solutions. Therapy sessions aim to educate the police officer in interpreting his/her own reactions to stimuli, resulting in smarter reactions to stress.

Stress management in law enforcement also includes anger management. In anger management, police officers are taught to identify the triggers that causes aggression in them, as well as methods to contain and defuse those triggers. Anger management also teaches police officers how to detect and prevent hostile situations from ever occurring, which in turn can be applied in settling civilian disputes. Perhaps most importantly, anger management develops the police officer's emotional intelligence, allowing them to prevent and manage their stress by themselves, either on or off the clock.

Police officers who have recently gone through a particularly traumatic experience on the job, such as the death of a partner or a horribly gruesome crime scene, can be made to undergo psychotherapy. This allows them to cope with the debilitating stress that these encounters saturate them with.

Today, police precincts make it a point to have a number of full-time counselors as part of the roster. With the help of chaplains and other support workers, the presence of these counselors keeps the tension down in the work environment, allowing police officers and other workers in law enforcement to work as smoothly and normally as possible.

Being aware of the stresses that police officers and other law enforcement specialists undergo on a regular basis really puts things in perspective for the rest of us, doesn't it? Too often, being so caught up in our own petty stresses can make us forget that there are brave men and women out there who make our safety and happiness their concern. The mere knowledge of the sacrifices they make for us should be enough to let us sit back, laugh at ourselves, and be grateful for having stresses as trivial as they can possibly be.

Stress Management in Law Enforcement

The Stress Management Site brings you all the latest information you need to assist you with stress management.

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Monday, July 16, 2012

7 Tips For Effective Financial Management

In some organisations, managers and leaders fall into the trap of believing that financial management is something that the accounts team are fully responsible for. While there will be areas like cash management, payroll, paying suppliers and collecting payments from customers that are likely to be handled by the accounts team, financial management falls into the remit of all managers and leaders. Mangers often have concerns about this area, often believing that it is difficult and complex. The truth is that if you are an expert in your area of the business, you can excel in financial management. So what are my key tips?

Tip 1: Be actively involved in setting a budget

Stress Management

Most businesses now devolve budget responsibility as much as they possibly can. As a result, managers have a chance to be actively involved in determining things like:

7 Tips For Effective Financial Management

o Sales volumes

o Temporary staffing cover for vacancies

o Staffing levels to deliver the sales

o Buying preferences in terms of products that will be used in delivering agreed volumes

o Investment in new equipment or facilities

Don't miss out on your chance to determine your budget.

Tip 2: Be clear on your assumptions

A budget is a plan for the future based on the best evidence you have at the time you prepare it. You will have to make assumptions about things like sales growth, staff turnover, sickness, price inflation, etc. Make sure that when presenting your budgets the assumptions are clearly stated.

Tip 3: Work with your accountant

Your accountant who works with you in the business is essentially your personal business advisor. Use your accountant in this way and you will reap numerous benefits. Your accountant gets a better understanding of your area of the business and what the key drivers of revenues and costs are, which will be immensely helpful when it comes to reviewing performance throughout the year.
In addition, your accountant can model results for you based on different assumptions and help you to get a much clearer picture of the risks that might need to be managed.

Tip 4: Share the budget with your team

As a manager and leader, your success depends on the results of the team. Take the time to share your budget with your team, including the key assumptions on which it is based. If the team know what they are aiming for in terms of financial results, they will look to do the right things operationally to get the best result.

Tip 5: Take responsibility

When the going gets tough it is so easy to start to look elsewhere for excuses. If you have been involved in setting a budget which you have signed up to, focus your energies on getting results rather than the injustice of the current situation.

Tip 6: Monitor performance and take action

Make sure that you have a process in place to carefully monitor your actual performance against the budget. If things are going well see if there is more you can do to boost performance even further. If on the other hand things are not going as well as expected, focus on the changes you need to make or action you need to take to get back on track.

Tip 7: Focus on the most important numbers

When it comes to financial management, managers can sometimes get lost in lots of detail and trivia. Be clear on what are the 2-3 big numbers that you need to pay attention to, as they will more than likely constitute about 90% of your budget. In most businesses this will be:

o Income from sales or services

o Salary costs of employees

o Major non salary cost such as materials

Make sure that you have as good an understanding of what impacts on these numbers at the business unit level so that you can keep things on track.

At the end of the day, internal financial statements such as budgets merely reflect what is happening operationally in a common currency called money. Keep this at the forefront of your mind and you have a great chance to excel as a manager.

7 Tips For Effective Financial Management

Duncan Brodie helps managers and leaders to achieve their true potential. Sign up today for his free monthly newsletter at http://www.goalsandachievements.co.uk

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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Stress and Heart Attack - Can Stress Cause a Heart Attack?

Over a million people have heart attacks every year in the United States alone. The startling fact is that it's no longer restricted to people over 65. Reports of heart attack among women and even younger people are on the rise in recent times. While various factors are responsible for heart attacks like high cholesterol, lack of exercise, obesity and blood pressure, the contribution of stress seems to be the most.

In one research, when a group of people with past history of heart attack where given stressful tasks, blood pressure and heart rate increased in all of them. However, in the group who had suffered an attack due to stress, it took a significantly longer time for the blood pressure to return to normal compared to the group whose cause of previous attack was not stress. Also, the former group had higher number of clot forming platelets in their blood. Platelets are formed to stop the bleeding when tear occurs in the heart vessels due to an attack. However, these clots can also cause a blockage restricting the blood flow to the heart.

Stress Management

Another group of researchers have also found that ambitious, aggressive, critical, self-demanding people are more susceptible to heart attacks than less ambitious and less competitive people. When one understands how stress is caused, it becomes clear why the research holds true. We get stressed when things go out of control or when we get too much attached to the outcome of our actions. Ambitious and aggressive people are often critical and demanding of themselves and others. This attitude puts a lot of stress on oneself. On other hand, less-ambitious and contented people do not have high expectations. Therefore they are much more relaxed.

Stress and Heart Attack - Can Stress Cause a Heart Attack?

One thing is clear, when it comes to managing stress, relaxation is the key.

Stress and Heart Attack - Can Stress Cause a Heart Attack?

For free advice and strategies on managing stress, visit Stress Management Forum.

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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Stress Management Questionnaire

When you put yourself under more pressure than you can handle, you make yourself vulnerable to a host of illnesses that can worsen into life-threatening diseases. Too often, we only notice our problems when they come and not before they do. Remember the old adage: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure - and it's easier on the budget, as well. Take some time off your schedule and check yourself for any signs of mental and/or physical breakdown.

The results of this quiz can serve as a loose guideline when drafting a stress management program, so it's important that you answer the questions honestly. If you find that more than one answer applies to you, choose the one that applies to you best.

Stress Management

1. When forced to work overtime, how do you deal with it?

Stress Management Questionnaire

A: I start working on the things that need to be done.

B: I think first, and then I take my time doing what I need to do.

C: Get annoyed and bored with work.

2. If you suddenly find yourself in debt, you...

A: Try to settle all your financial problems as soon as you can manage.

B: Assess the situation and gradually recover from your financial losses.

C: Brood over the problem.

3. If you were asked to describe your life in one word, it would be?

A: Progressive.

B: Stable.

C: Difficult.

4. When you encounter a problem, you...

A: Take it as a challenge.

B: Think about what necessary steps to take to deal with it.

C: Blame others for the problem.

5. If a person you are waiting for is late, you?

A: Find something to distract myself with while waiting.

B: Read a good book or take in the sights and relax.

C: Get annoyed and angry.

6. When you're given more work than you can deal with, you?

A: Redouble your efforts in order to make ends meet.

B: Trace a course of action and slowly but surely adapt to the pressure.

C: Complain about it.

7. During a vacation you?

A: Go everywhere I can go to.

B: Relax.

C: Find it difficult to relax.

8. You find work?

A: Engaging.

B: Amusing.

C: Difficult.

9. You feel like you're?

A: Ready to tackle anything that comes my way.

B: Calm and open-minded.

C: Not able to make things go my way.

10. When something forces you to change your lifestyle, you?

A: Accept the changes.

B: Learn how to deal with the changes.

C: Complain about it.

If most of your answers are "A," it means that you're a very active and reliable person. You address problems by either dealing with them directly instead of letting things resolve themselves. It's most likely that your stress coping mechanism is turning stress into positive stress (eustress) which allows you to benefit from it while dealing with it at the same time. You usually achieve this by distracting yourself with a hobby or resorting to some form of exercise. The combination of your sound mind and healthy body will enable you to withstand a good degree of stress.

If the majority of your choices end up as "B" you're most likely a very relaxed, laid-back and logical individual. You take your time with things, minimizing the chances of error on your part. It is also this very methodological approach to things that allow you to root out most problems before they even become problems. Chances are you rarely deal with problems, and when you do, it doesn't affect you as much as it normally should, and you perform as though nothing happened. The only drawback to all these traits is you are prone to becoming too passive. You run the risk of overlooking problems or giving yourself too long a time to deal with things and thus you may find yourself facing a problem that you could have nipped at the bud.

Mostly "C" answers would reflect your relatively poor coping mechanisms. You're probably irritable and always want things to go your way, which is never the case in life. You become frustrated because of this and you end up putting unnecessary tension on yourself. Your nature could also be attributed to some life-changing event that may have happened recently. It might be advisable to seek professional help and start changing the way you see problems when they come. It would also be a good idea to start getting into shape, as a physically healthy person will receive stress much more favorably than one in poor health.

Stress Management Questionnaire

The Stress Management Site brings you all the latest information you need to assist you with stress management.

© 2007 copyright by DSquare Marketing & Della Franklin. Also check out some of her other sites like The Dry Skin Site & Dogwood Square

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Stress Management - Understanding the 4 Different Types of Stress

We all deal with stress in one form or another. Whether it comes in the form of a small problem, like having to wake up on a Monday morning for work, or a huge issue such as dealing with a family crisis, our bodies take a beating from this type of tensions on a daily basis. How each of us deals with each of these stressful situations is what decides how adversely or positively we are affected in the long run.

Psychologists state that there are four types of mental stress and people from all walks of life have dealt with at least one of them in their lifetime.

Stress Management

1. Eustress is a healthy and positive form of stress and it is experienced when a person achieves a goal or is rewarded for having succeeded in something. Generally it leaves one feeling fulfilled.

Stress Management - Understanding the 4 Different Types of Stress

2. Distress is the total opposite of Eustress and is the most common form of stress. It often gives one a feeling of anxiety or mental strain. This is something we all go through in our daily lives and often we don't even notice it happening.

3. Acute Stress comes immediately and is intense but often subsides quickly and is the body's way of getting you to take control of a situation. This may occur when a person is threatened in some way and may even occur even if there is just a perceived threat. Symptoms may include anxiety, bad judgment and depression.

4. The worst form of stress is Chronic Stress which is a result of the body being under constant strain. Our bodies can handle a certain amount of tension in order to help us cope in dangerous situations. When the body is under strain due to pressure at work, busy traffic, family pressures, money worries and health concerns and this goes on for a prolonged period of time, it becomes dangerous and can lead to serious illnesses.

There are very many different ways to combat stress, some more helpful than others. Most people talk with a therapist about their issues and at times their therapist will prescribe medicine to aid in reducing stress. But medicines typically only dull the pain and the symptoms relating to their anxiety occur again once the medication wears off. There are of course more holistic stress relief and management options, which should in our opinion be explored first.

No matter what pressures you may be under it is not good for you to strain yourself all the time. Our modern lifestyles force a certain amount of stress on us but you need to be aware of what stress you are under and how it is affecting you. Pay attention to your body and if you need help to get through a stressful situation then don't wait. The quicker you can relieve your tension the fewer symptoms you will suffer from in the long run.

Stress Management - Understanding the 4 Different Types of Stress

Stress can be a debilitating condition. Discover more info on stress management and stress relief. You can also check out the Totally Tranquil Program - free downloadable demo.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

6 Ways to Release Stress

We are currently living in a capitalist society where money and power rule. Therefore, many of us have become workaholics and often overlook signs of tiredness in order to stay on track. I am not saying that people should stop working hard to achieve their goals. However, there is a slight problem we do not know how to manage our stress, which is definitely not a good thing! Stress has been linked to mental/emotional (depression, anxiety, and anger) and physical illnesses (weakens the immune system). Therefore, it is more than important that you constantly work on reducing your stress level in order to maintain your overall health. The bottom line is, if we are not healthy there is no money or power that will make things better. So, take care of yourself. Below, I have added six stress releasing tips.

Exercise: even if you go for a walk for 15-25 minutes four days a week it will help your body to get rid of adrenaline and produce endorphins (a natural tranquilizer). Not to mention you will not only feel better, you will also look the part.

Stress Management

Yoga: Many ramble that practicing yoga is the best way to manage or release stress. It focuses on breathing techniques, exercises, connecting with the universe on a spiritual and mental level. If this option seems interesting to you I suggest you do some research in order to learn the principles and decide if it is for you.

6 Ways to Release Stress

Stretch: People often stretch before and after a workout. However, learning stretching and flexing exercises to use as a way to relieve tension on many different areas of the body can help a great deal.

Massage: We all know how massages can help us relax and release tension. Prices start around for 30 minutes; it all depends on what extra relaxation techniques you would like to add to the massage such as aromatherapy, oils, etc. There are also different types of massages so this will also affect the price. I actually found a therapist that charges for a 30 minute session. It sounds pretty good to me. We waste money in so many different ways so investing on a massage once in a while will not kill our pockets.

Laugh it off: Rent a funny movie and laugh out loud. Go out with friends or host gatherings. Tell everyone to bring a platter. Remember the key is to release tension not, add to it. Use paper plates and plastic cups to reduce the amount of work.

Take a break- Take time to relax, sleep, and maybe even take a vacation if you can. Your body does not only need it; you deserve it.

Live stress free,

Kenia Morales


You may reprint this article as long as no changes are made without permission and hyperlink is maintained active.

6 Ways to Release Stress

Kenia Morales is the publisher of online magazine [http://kpatra.com] "For Every Aspect of Today's Woman. Visit her site to find a variety of women related issues and topics" click here [http://www.kpatra.com/keniascolumn.htm] to find Kenia's little piece of heaven her inspirational column

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

How Does Smoking Cigarettes Reduce Stress?

It is said that cigarettes help to reduce stress and help people relax, a fact smokers regularly produce when asked why they can't quit smoking. "I can't quit I'm too stressed out." Is a common sentence uttered by many a smoker every day. And when in a tough, problematic, critical and anxious situation a smoker will more than likely 'need' a cigarette to calm his nerves.

And smokers also get several other benefits from smoking including increased concentration, an added energy 'boost' mental 'strength' to deal with tough situations, curing boredom and relaxation.

Stress Management

These aspects can be condensed into two main beneficial areas of smoking. Firstly that, smoking is calming and relaxing, and secondly, it helps smokers concentrate and think clearly.

How Does Smoking Cigarettes Reduce Stress?

So on the Calming and Relaxing side - cigarettes take the stress out of life (relaxation) and help relive tension and stress. The benefits of smoking are to help smokers calm down and reduce anxiety and stress. When you visualise or think of relaxing what comes to your mind? It's usually a slumping of the shoulders effect, that aaaaaahhhhhhhhh... slip into your arm chair and letting go feeling - you are relaxing.

On the Strength and Boost side - smoking is uplifting, helps with concentration, keeps smokers on their toes and gives them mental strength. The other benefit of smoking is that it lifts smokers up a level - their senses are awakened. When you visualise or think of yourself concentrating and being uplifted what comes to mind? Generally it's a head up, on our feet, eyes open, chest out, shoulders back and an alert state of mind and effect - it gives you that I'm ready, let's do it and let's go feeling.

So cigarettes can have two effects - at times cigarettes can make you feel more relaxed and calmer - a general feeling of tranquillity or peacefulness. AND cigarettes can make you feel more confident, more capable, better equipped to deal with tough situations and they can give you increased concentration - a general energetic and empowered feeling.

But how is it that this same product or substance can do both of these things? Two different things that are complete opposites?

Smokers have been told, and believe that cigarettes not only help to lower stress levels but they also help to keep you on your toes - two completely different effects. Relaxation is a suppressing feeling while concentration is an uplifting feeling.

How can the same substance or product make the body feel up and raring to go and also make it relaxed and increase inner tranquillity?

The truth is that cigarettes can't make or help smokers do both, or either - it's impossible. You've also been told that cigarettes can cure boredom, help you enjoy your coffee and tea and meals and also sex more.

But again, how can cigarettes do all of these things? Yes nicotine does have a stimulating effect, (as it releases dopamine, the body's natural pleasure drug, into the brain) but how the hell does it make you feel up, down and everything in between?

Basically we have been told that cigarettes can pretty much do whatever you want them to, depending on the circumstances surrounding you while you smoke. So if you need some mental energy or strength - have a cigarette and if you want to relax and forget about your problems then you should have a cigarette too! How can the same cigarette make you feel how you want to feel, depending on your choosing?

The truth is that despite nicotine releasing dopamine into the brain, all the other substances in a cigarette actually put a huge strain on your brain and body - they make you feel more tense, more anxious, more stressed and more on edge. No matter how much you argue against this it's the cold hard truth!

Look at the undeniable stressful effects of smoking on you and your body below.

1. When carbon monoxide and nicotine enter your body they reduce the amount and supply of oxygen to your brain. Without this oxygen (the fuel of the brain), your brain struggles to function properly, think clearly and concentrate.

It is a fact that nicotine and carbon monoxide reduce oxygen levels in a smoker's body and it is also a fact that the body needs oxygen to concentrate, not even the doctors and scientists can deny that!

Essentially oxygen is the basis of all activity in the body - any effort the body makes (from thinking to running), is harder with less oxygen. The carbon monoxide and nicotine in cigarettes prevent oxygen from reaching the brain and the other organs in the body - this simply cannot help you relax or concentrate. It's impossible!

The nicotine may give you a little pick me up, but it and cigarettes simply cannot do all of the things that millions of smokers, just like you have been led to believe and continue telling yourself.

2. Nicotine is a vaso-constrictor - it shrinks your veins and arteries in size, meaning that your heart is forced to work harder to pump the same amount of blood around your body, but through a smaller space. Add to that, the fact that tar and the other chemicals in cigarettes are being deposited in your veins reducing blood flow even more.

The result is that your beats 35,000 times more per day than a non-smoker and your blood pressure is also ten to twenty points higher than it should be, under this added workload.

3. The effect that nicotine has on the insulin in your blood puts your body under constant stress. Every forty five minutes or so, when you smoke, the nicotine in your body blocks the release of insulin (this is the appetite suppressant effect).

Once this nicotine has worn off your insulin is re-released, and forty five minutes to an hour or two later you have another cigarette.

This stop start process puts a huge strain on your body - a non-smoker's body will only reduce the flow of insulin when he really needs it - when he hasn't eaten in a while. But smokers make their body's stop-start this process twenty times more, or more a day than a non-smoker. This is an added stressful workload on your body.

4. The several thousand chemicals, poisons, toxins and carcinogens in a cigarette force the body into a state of shock.

When you inhale the smoke from a cigarette your body has to adapt to the presence of harmful chemicals. Each of which are deposited in your veins, lungs, heart, arteries and other organs in your body, then when you stop smoking for a few hours (e.g. at night) your body does it's best to clear out the foreign substances.

You will also experience this process through a 'smoker's cough' in the day and also in the morning, when yours body has had eight hours or so to start the cleansing process, and you cough up a lot of mucus.

Both of these attempts at cleaning out the toxins puts your body through a strenuous cleansing regime

process every time you stop smoking, every day of your smoking life. A non-smoker will only experience this cleansing process, as extensively as a smoker when he has a virus or infection or if they smoke a cigarette.

The truth is that smoking is only an 'effective' stress relief tool because you believe cigarettes and nicotine can help you. And that is the key - you believe.

It all comes back to what you think. Because you tell yourself that cigarettes calm you, you think they do. Because you tell yourself that they help you concentrate, you think they do (despite the fact that you are putting a huge strain on your system - your heart beats an extra 35,000 times per day due to the reduction in vein size making your blood pressure higher).

So even though cigarettes and nicotine are having a harmful and weakening effect on your body, which you have always known, you believe that they make you stronger and more capable of dealing with life. It is a clever trick that the tobacco companies have played on you!

They have shown you on films, on TV and in commercials that cigarettes help you concentrate, relive stress, beat problems, enjoy sex more and that they make men more manly and women more sexy.

You have to give them credit because it has worked and it is still working! But once you take a step back and look at the overall picture, you can see that advertising and your beliefs have led you to believe that you need cigarettes and nicotine, and that they bring you many benefits. When in fact that is all in your head!

But it can't just be the placebo effect (believing that something will happen, makes it happen) that makes you concentrate and relax can it? The truth is no, but only to an extent.

So yes when you smoke you may feel slightly relaxed - this is down to the way you breathe when you smoke. Have you noticed any difference in the way you breathe when you smoke? Take a minute and put your fingers to your lips and pretend you are smoking, or better yet - light up a cigarette!

Have you noticed anything different in comparison to your normal breathing patterns? You should have noticed the two following patterns.

Firstly, your in-breath was much stronger when smoking. Try it again, inhale as if you were smoking a cigarette. This deeper in-breath sucks in a lot more air than normal breathing because you are sucking air in from the bottom of your stomach (your diaphragm). With this extra air also comes more oxygen - your brain and body's fuel, up to 20% more oxygen in fact than when you breathe normally.

The second thing you should have noticed is the way you exhale. Your out-breath was also much stronger and deeper, when smoking. Try it again, breathe out deeply without cigarette smoke, do it several times.

How do you feel? You feel relaxed and calm don't you! Exhaling feels good, especially when it is done strongly. Have you noticed that when you laugh and when you sigh you exhale and breathe out strongly? Breathing out has a calming and positive effect on the body. So even though the smoke puts a strain on your system, when you breathe out strongly you feel good.

So basically when you smoke you are just practicing deep breathing exercises. The deep breaths provide your body and organs with more oxygen, which helps you to relax and release stress to a degree. I say to a degree because that extra oxygen is not enough to compensate for the strain that the chemicals in a cigarette put on your body.

So smoking itself doesn't actually reduce stress, or help you concentrate in any way - it's the way you breathe that does that for you. Have you ever wondered why people tell you to take deep breaths when you feel a craving or withdrawal symptoms? It's because the deep breathing mimics the way you breathe when you smoke.

Every time you have a cigarette you put your body under stress. Then your body tries to clean out the chemicals, which again makes you feel uncomfortable, and puts you under stress. And you do this every day going round and round in circles, no wonder you a re so stressed!

Then when your body realises it has extremely low blood sugar (no nicotine to block insulin which releases your sugar stores) you get pangs and cravings because your body needs sugar - it becomes stressed. You then have a cigarette to relieve that stress. Then after forty five minutes or so the process starts all over again! You are just going around in one huge destructive and pointless circle.

People say smoking reduces stress, when in fact - the stress is caused by the last cigarette - when nicotine and the chemicals enter your body you put it under a huge strain. Then when the nicotine leaves your body it becomes stressed - because there is no nicotine to release sugar into the blood.

Tobacco increases stress and then relieves it (artificially by playing with your blood sugar levels) when you smoke. So smoking is basically like hitting yourself over the head with a hammer because it feels really good when you stop!

A major reason why people say they can't or won't stop smoking is - they feel they would be giving up a very effective stress management technique. But once you stop smoking for a short period of time, you will become calmer, even under stress, than when you were a smoker.

Another smoking myths is that it 'cures boredom.' This argument is so pointless that it hardly merits much attention. Yes some people believe that it cures boredom, but so does banging your head against a wall and stabbing yourself with a fork. That doesn't mean it's either good for you, effective, productive or an adequate way to deal with the situation.

Again if you rely on cigarettes to cure boredom, all you are doing is telling yourself - 'I am not good enough to deal with this situation on my own. My cigarettes will take care of it.'

If you smoke due to boredom, you need to pay particular attention to changing your habits so that you have adequate new methods to keep yourself entertained.

Smoking as a stress relief mechanism is just and excuse. Many smokers know this but continue to lie to themselves because it prevents them from admitting that they cannot stop smoking.

Finding new ways to deal with stress is essential if you are going to make your stop smoking attempt a success.

My Complete Step By Step Guide To Quitting Smoking explains how to beat the stresses of everyday life when you quit smoking and it shows you how to break any and all your associations to smoking, so you can become completely smoke free in 3-4 weeks.

How Does Smoking Cigarettes Reduce Stress?

Daniel Fargher
Quit Smoking Specialist
Stop Smoking For Good

Click Here To Learn How To Quit Smoking In 28 days Or Less With Hypnosis

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Friday, July 6, 2012

Stress Relief - How Pets Can Reduce Your Stress Levels And Improve Your Health

Apart from professional therapy and relaxation courses there are many things that people can do without having to learn a complex technique or pay people to help them. A popular method to relieve stress is to play sport. This method goes to the heart of the bodys' response to stress. The body prepares itself for an expense of energy and by playing sport this energy can be released. Other more sedate and relaxing methods include gardening or painting. Keeping a pet can be as energetic or relaxing as you want it to be, and can provide as much stress relief as the others.

It has been shown in many studies that people suffering from illnesses or recovering from operations recover quicker when a pet is there to give them support and companionship. This has been noted in old age peoples homes where the spirits of people are lifted by the introduction of a dog or a fish tank.

Stress Management

In these studies it was noted that patients blood pressure went down by watching fish glide around an aquarium.Have you ever wondered why doctors surgeries or dentists waiting rooms often have a fish tank. It is designed to calm people down and help them to relax before they enter the dentists room and experience, what they might imagine, will be great pain.

Stress Relief - How Pets Can Reduce Your Stress Levels And Improve Your Health

So what does having a pet do to relieve stress ?

Animals are often very predictable and constant in their reaction to their owner. People like this response in their pets because it is often in stark contrast to their dealing with people in everyday life. People can be very unpredictable and downright stubborn. Relationships and dealing with people are one of the most stressful things that people can face. Having a pet is an antidote to this.

People get a great sense of satisfaction and fulfillment from keeping a pet. Having to feed, groom and take care of a pet brings out the nurturing instinct that is in most people. This ability to act instinctively rather than in some contrived fashion is soothing and helps to defuse stress.

Pets, especially dogs, can help a person feel safe from a security perspective. This can be a source of relief. Animals, in general, give unconditional acceptance to their owners. A person can be themselves with their animals and not fear for rejection.

Active pets like dogs can motivate a person to take exercise which is good for relieving stress levels and health in general. Watching fish allows people to get lost in their little mini-world that can take that person mind off potentially stressful thought like getting a report out on time. These breaks from reality are good for stress relief.

Of course keeping a pet can be stressful so it is always advisable to know what you are getting yourself into. Despite saying that pets are good for your stress relief, that is not their sole purpose in life, but a pleasant side affect of caring for your pet responsibly and appropriately. If, for example, you lived in a small apartment it is not sensible to get a great dane dog. This would cause you and the dog more stress than it would prevent.

Stress Relief - How Pets Can Reduce Your Stress Levels And Improve Your Health

Adrian Whittle writes for http://stressmanagementreview.com You will find many more ideas on simple stress management and stress reduction techniques at the site.

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Common Causes Of Stress Among College Students

College is a wonderful opportunity to, not only further your education, but experiment with life before it gets too serious. Having said that, college life is not without it's stressful situations. Here are a few common causes of stress amongst college students.

Possibly one of the biggest stressors for some college students is the considerable debt they will have to take on, in order to afford tuition fees, campus accommodation and textbooks. Quite often this is a source of great concern for a kid that is straight out of high school and may not be financially literate.

Stress Management

Whilst the debt alone is stressful, the need to service this debt can cause the student to over-extend themselves. This might mean that they have to take on a second job or work long hours as an employee and a student at the same time. This could have knock on effects with the ability to concentrate on their studies which could lead to failure of their course. This scenario would prove stressful.

Common Causes Of Stress Among College Students

Another common cause of stress is adapting to the new life they have suddenly landed into. In many ways this new found freedom can be a source of great joy and motivation, but it can also be stressful.

For many it will be the first time they have lived outside the nurturing and protective security of the family unit. Their parents will have provided for them materially and will have set down boundaries on how to live. This no longer applies in college and one of the first tasks a student undertakes is to find an identity and effectively test the rules that were set out by their parents. The uncertainty and lack of identity is a common cause of stress.

As a student becomes more established in college the stresses that affect them are related to succeeding in their educational objectives. There will be particularly stressful periods when they have to complete papers or cram for exams. Other causes of stress could be giving presentations and seminars on their subject. This could lead to spending long hours concentrating on the subject and letting other aspects of their lives slide. This loss of harmony in their lives could be stressful.

As they get to the end of their college careers, the inevitable stress of preparing for the real or adult world is apparent. Such considerations like, finding a job, preparing and taking job interviews, potentially relocating, leaving their college friends can be stressful.

While most of these concerns are well negotiated by most students, they can often create problems for some. A great way to deal with these problems is to have a support structure to help the student through these times. This structure could be part of the college, be a network of friends or be their family. The importance of being about to talk through these issues cannot be overlooked.

Common Causes Of Stress Among College Students

Adrian Whittle writes for http://stressmanagementreview.com The site features a comprehensive review of stress management techniques. How does stress affect health and common ill-health symptoms related to stress are discussed and a range of stress busting solutions are given.

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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Where to Get Free Anger Management Worksheets

Anger Management Worksheets are printouts that contain exercises to help with rage management. They are an integral part of a course or counseling program.

Also the equivalent of these worksheets can often be found in books on Rage, such as Beating Anger: The Eight-point Plan for Coping with Rage Beating Anger: The Eight-point Plan for Coping with Rage by Mike Fisher. This is a book I have purchased and highly recommend for a simple to-the-point introduction and solution to rage. There are summary exercises at the end of each section that you can photocopy and enlarge to use as a worksheet.

Stress Management

Here are some online worksheets you may find useful:

Where to Get Free Anger Management Worksheets

* CounselingWorksheets.com provide free and paid for worksheets. We have an example of their rage management worksheet for you to look at and print for free. Click here to see the worksheet.

* Defoore.com provides a downloadable audio workshop on rage management. He has a very gentle and calming voice and talks frankly and compassionately about rage issues and how to resolve your rage.

Design Your Own Rage Worksheets

You may not be able to find worksheets here or on the internet to meet you requirements. It is however simple to create you own rage worksheets. You just need basic software such as Microsoft Word or Excel, (or the free alternatives: OpenOffice Writer or Calc).

How long could you last without another breath? Not very long at all! Sorry to be morbid, but I wanted to illustrate a point: Why do we take this essential function for granted and never give it a second thought?

A tip for anger management

Learning to breath deeply can be welcome relief for alot of rage, stress and fear issues. It's not that you have to breathe deeply all of the time. Short deep breathing sessions once or twice a day can be a big help.

For a massive distress experience, sit or lie down somewhere comfortable. Breath in slowly, and allow the air to fill your lungs from the top at the chest all the way to the bottom around the navel area. Don't be afraid to allow those lungs to fill, and it's a good sign if your stomach comes out!

Where to Get Free Anger Management Worksheets

Please do visit my site (see below) for more details on how to create your own Anger Worksheets and for general information on anger management. For more information see: http://www.anger-management-action.com and http://www.anger-management-action.com/anger-management-worksheets.html.

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