Monday, May 21, 2012

Stress Indicators

Stress indicators are numerous and can be physical, mental and emotional and most often appear in combination. The following article will specifically look at the signals that let you know you are experiencing stress.

Physical symptoms:

Stress Management

Stress can be experienced in a range of different ways. Here are some of the common physical effects of stress.

Stress Indicators

Energy levels are low Disturbed sleep patterns: inability to sleep, waking up multiple times at night, not being able to go back to sleep Increased drug, recreational drug, tranquilizer and alcohol consumption Dealing with physical pain or discomfort over a period of time Physical tensions, pains, headaches Strange behaviour patterns may appear Grinding teeth at night Inability to relax, restlessness Increased outbreaks of arthritis and other inflammations or irritations on a physical level Difficulties in breathing, chest tightness Digestive problems without any apparent physical causeMental symptoms:

Mental symptoms are possibly the trickiest ones to pinpoint whether they are stress related or not, as they might also stem from other causes than stress. Check how many other symptoms appear simultaneously.

Lack of or low concentration, easily distracted which could lead to small accidents Increased potential for making mistakes Inability to respond in the usual way, reduced or unpredictable speed of responding Deteriorating memory, lack of recall ability Organisation and planning abilities deteriorate Existing personality problems increase ForgetfulnessEmotional symptoms:

Again, emotional symptoms vary from person to person and in intensity.

Psychological tension and irritability increases and ability to manage emotions decreases Short temper, increased emotional reactivity, mood swings, breaking down, flying off the handle, crying for no apparent reason Self-esteem and self-confidence are affected Feelings of depression and helplessness are experienced Feeling overwhelmed, overanxious, lack of patience Lack of or diminished enthusiasm and interest Changes in the way you know yourself, personality traits, inability to feel like oneself Not enjoying activities, situations, people as before Cynicism about people around increases Responsibilities are no longer being carried out successfully Inability to carry out the normal tasks in life like doing the dishes, shopping etc Decreased willingness to socialize, staying at home Getting lost in meaningless activities like watching TV even though the program is of no real interest or playing video games Suicide thoughts may occur or suicide threats may be madeOn a short to mid-term basis stress can be managed, however if you are constantly under significant stress for a longer period of time you have to deal with the effects. If you are unsure whether you are under the influence of excessive stress and need support speak to your doctor or therapist.

Stress Indicators

Want to know more? Have a look at my blog.

Nathalie Himmelrich is the founder of 'Reach for the Sky Therapy' on Sydney's Northern Beaches and specialises in 'relationship related issues'. She is working with individuals and couples using techniques ranging from Counselling, Neuro Linguistic Programming to Journey Therapy. She supports clients in their personal growth in a supportive and professional environment.

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