Friday, November 30, 2012

7 Simple Ways To Decrease Stress

Stress is often the end result when people react to certain events. In fact, it's the way of the body to handle challenges and meet tough situations with stamina, heightened alertness, strength, and focus.

Enough amount of stress can be good. But, stress overloads are not good. For example, small amount of stress regarding an upcoming examination can inspire you to study but too much stress can entirely make your concentration poor. Too intense or chronic pressures or troubles that are handled alone can result to stress overloads.

The stress overload signs are panic or anxiety attacks, constant feeling of being pressured, hurried, and hassled, moodiness and irritability, physical symptoms including chest pain, headaches, or stomach problems, sleeping problems, allergic reaction like asthma or eczema, depression or sadness, and too much drinking, smoking, doing drugs, or overeating.

7 Simple Ways To Decrease Stress

What are some ways to decrease stress?

1. Be realistic. Nobody is perfect. Never expect other people to be perfect. It will just heighten your stress. For example; you are doing a difficult school project, it is much better if you ask help from other people to lessen your stress.

2. Decide properly on excessive scheduling. Cut down some activities which are not very important to you.

3. Never forget to relax. Relaxation response is one of be the best and natural stress antidotes. Try doing simple breathing exercises in stressful situations.

4. Always have a good night's sleep. This can keep your mind and body in good shape and prepare to handle negative stressors.

5. Always maintain a positive outlook, thoughts, and attitude. A healthy dosage of optimism helps in making the most of stressful circumstances.

6. Good body treatment. Regular exercise and proper diet helps in proper stress management instead of running or eating fast food or junk food, and turning to substance abuse.

7. Solve little problems. This can build your self-confidence and control.

These ways are simple yet can help you manage stress successfully. But, skills on stress-management work best if regularly used.

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Top 10 Time Management Tips for Effective Office Time Management

Are you working efficiently and effectively? Do you have many productive hours of work or are you constantly distracted? In this article we give you a number of time management tips to help you organize your office time more efficiently and get more out of your work day.

Office Time Management Tips

1. Get a Secretary or Answering Machine to Take Phone Messages

Top 10 Time Management Tips for Effective Office Time Management

Instead of constantly being distracted by telephone calls get a secretary or answering machine to take messages for you, then set aside time each day to focus on returning calls. By separating work and phone calls you will be able to focus more clearly on each task and get more out of your time. Effective office time management means that you need to focus on the task at hand and so an important time management tip is to do whatever you can to minimize distractions, such as the phone and email.

2. Set aside a Time to Answer Emails

Emails are another thing which affects effective office time management and can constantly distract you from focusing on the task at hand. A time management tip to deal with this problem is therefore to set aside time each day to deal with your emails and then for the rest of the day turn off your email program, or at least turn off instant notifications of emails.

3. Create a To-Do List the Day Before

To-do lists are often listed as a time management tip. Effective office time management means that before you leave the office each day prepare a to-do list for the following day and prioritize it, that way as soon as you come into the office in the morning you know what you need to focus your attention on.

4. Complete the Major Tasks First

Start your day with one of the big, important tasks and then go onto smaller and less important tasks. By first focusing on the large tasks you will get them complete in a shorter space of time and then will be able to deal with smaller tasks, whereas if you start with the smaller tasks you will soon find them filling up your day and not having time left to do the larger tasks.

5. Do Tasks that Take Less Than 5 Minutes Immediately

Effective office time management means that if you have a task you need to do that is going to take a few minutes to complete then do it as soon as you receive it, this way you will get the small things out of the way and not need to think about them.

6. Keep your Desk and Office Organized

A major cause of ineffective time management is disorganization. Keep your desk and office organized, keep everything on hand and keep things in the place you have assigned them and you will never waste time searching for the things you need or have important items go missing.

7. Prioritize

Setting priorities is vital for effective office time management. An important time management tip is therefore that you should know both on a long term and daily basis what your priorities are and should prioritize your long term goals as well as your daily to-do list.

8. Delegate

Delegation is another useful tool for effective office time management. You do not need to do everything yourself; if you find a task that someone would be able to do as well as you or even better then delegate that task to that person. Delegation does not only need to take place at work but can also take place at home.

9. Set SMART goals

Another important time management tip is to set SMART goals. SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, rewarding and timely. By setting SMART goals you know what you are working towards, have a way of measuring when it has been successfully completed and know when you want to complete it by. SMART goals are useful in showing you what steps you need to take in order to fulfill your dreams.

10. Choose Technology Carefully

Technology can either be useful for improving effective office time management or it can hinder effective time management. Our last time management tip is therefore to be careful when choosing the technology you use to ensure that it really does improve your productivity and efficiency and not harm it.

Effective office time management means setting SMART goals, prioritizing, focusing, and using technology that improves effective time management instead of hindering it. By implementing these time management tips you should be better able to manage your time effectively and get more out of your work day.

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Stress Management For College Students

Change of environment, juggling subjects with other workload, coping with deadlines, family expectations, over-commitment, expenses, etc. are common issues that often put pressure on college students. It goes without saying that attending college is in itself inherently stressful. However, mild amounts of stress for college students can be advantageous or necessary to challenge them. Stress can motivate or stimulate, which may actually improve performance. However, too much stress begins to interfere with their functioning. Stress levels tend to build over time that when not managed effectively can result in various physical illnesses such as anxiety and depression. Only in identifying the stressors and conquering them can students maximize their opportunities and college experience.

Common Causes of College Stress

In order to identify an effective stress management technique, the stressors specific to college students should be determined. It's also important to distinguish between sources of stress that are within your control, and those that are not.

Stress Management For College Students

Common college stressors:

1) Academic stress - increase in workload over insufficient time, new responsibilities, difficult exams, challenging classes, low grades, deadlines to meet, scheduling issues to coordinate and a more independent nature of the college learning structure

2) Social stress - creating a new social network, separation from home and finding less parental support, living with a roommate, balancing school work with friends or part-time jobs and dealing with the demands of young adult relationships

3) Other stresses - daily hassles (commuting and waiting in line), financial crisis, studying long, hard hours and waking up early for classes, logistics of living independently (i.e., laundry) new students deal with abrupt change from high school and more seasoned students wonder if they're in the right major

Tips for Managing Stress

There are a number of techniques to help college students minimize the stress they are feeling.

1) Time management: Develop a schedule to manage your time indicating your goals and priorities. Learn to plan ahead and avoid procrastination. When you're stretched too thin and running behind, it's hard to stay calm and focused.

TIPS: Create a 'To Do list' or a planner and keep track of deadlines and schedules and learn to say 'No'.

2) Get Organized: Have a system of organization for note-taking, keeping track of assignments, and other important papers. Create a good study environment where you can concentrate, focus and get things done. Being organized can bring you the peace of mind that comes from knowing where everything is, remembering deadlines and test dates, and clearing your mind of some of the mental clutter that disorganization brings.

TIPS: Keep a calendar, a schedule and a filing system for your school stuff.

3) Exercise, Nutrition and Sleep: Eat a healthy diet and get enough sleep. If you want to perform at your best, you need to be well-rested. Physical activity is also a great stress reliever.

TIPS: Work your schedule so you get enough sleep or exercise.

4) Don't sweat the small stuff: Always be conscious if the issue at hand is worth getting upset about. If it isn't affecting your goal achievement, it may not be worth fretting over.

5) Develop Optimism: It's been proven that those who more easily shrug off failures and multiply successes -- are healthier, less stressed, and more successful. The habit of optimism and positive thinking can bring better health, better relationships, and, yes, better grades.

6) Maintain your sense of humor and positive thinking: Laughter is one of the best stress-busters there is.

7) Communicate: Talking to a person who you trust like a friend, family member, or professor about issues of concern is helpful. Although most college student related stress is self-manageable, there are situations that may be serious enough to require counseling. If the stress in your life is overwhelming and/or you feel helpless, ask for help or share your concerns with a counselor or your teacher.

TIPS: Use the phone or email to stay in touch with family and friends at home and get involved with groups and clubs at school can be an excellent remedy for college loneliness.

College students who can deal with stress effectively maintain their health and well-being, are able to focus during classes, and get better grades! Remember, college is supposed to be enjoyed, not endured -- it's important to keep college stress under control.

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Monday, November 19, 2012

Funny Life Quotes to Slap the Stress Away

Life is full of pressures and stress and everyone has a bunch of worries. There is no one who is stress free. Even a five year old kid has his own problems. Stress affects everybody whether one is rich or poor, literate or illiterate, men or women.

Some people are stressed because they don't have enough time; some are stressed because they have too much spare time. Some people are stressed because they hate the people they work with and don't like their job and there are some others who are stressed because they are unemployed. From kid to young to elder everyone is stressed.

In such a time, where stress is leading to depression and unprecedented health problems, Funny Life Quotes can help you tickle your funny bone. One of the best way to reduce stress is to laugh a lot and this is what funny life quotes do. They give you belly laugh and keep your laughter motor going on smoothly.

Funny Life Quotes to Slap the Stress Away

Everyone must keep a sense of the humorous part of life. If you really want to enjoy life, then you must look at the humorous part of the life. It will also help you to tackle any problem of life with a smile on face. Funny Life quotes remind you of the Fun and Humor Side of your Life. Reading them will certainly help you kick-out all the stress of your life.

Have you ever been in a situation in social gathering where you don't have words to describe your point of view or you don't have something funny to say when everyone is cracking jokes and having fun? There is no worse situation than this that causes stress.

You can get over to this situation by learning some funny Sayings and Funny Life Quotes. There are thousand of funny sayings and funny Life Quotes websites available on internet. Try to learn at least twenty funny quotes a day and at the end of the month you would be able to learn six hundred funny quotes.

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With the advent of Internet technology, now finding information on everything is as easy as counting 1 2 3. We need not to go outside somewhere to find out information as our

Ancestors do. There are literally thousand of websites on the internet with hundred of funny life quotes to read. With so much of quotes, you can easily find out the funny quote as per your need and situation.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

International Journal of Stress Management

The International Journal of Stress Management is a methodical journal for experts treating personal and occupational stress. The journal comprises "peer-reviewed" first-rate original articles including reviews, theoretical, historical, and empirical articles, in addition to editorials and book reviews. Some areas of interest take in "stress and trauma assessment", "stress and trauma management", stress management, and treatment issues.

Released as a quarterly journal, it is also the official publication of the International Stress Management Association or ISMA. ISMA is a nonprofit organization committed to "working for a less stressful world". The organization seeks to press forward the education of students and professionals, as well as make possible methodological sound research within the wide field of "interdisciplinary stress management", which includes psychology, dentistry, medicine, physical therapy, education, occupational therapy, speech therapy, business and industry, and psychiatry.

The International Journal of Stress Management, issue 4 Volume 13 (November 2006), includes articles reflecting on different issues in stress management internationally and areas of stress, on top of four articles that centers specifically on stress in the "policing" profession. Some of the articles found in this issue include:

International Journal of Stress Management

Prominent Consequences of Role Stress: A Meta-Analytic Review
This journal article focuses on "role stress". The article examines well-know effects of role stress, specifically centered on researching dissimilarity in relationships between aspects of role stress, and regularly cited effects through the use of the meta-analysis techniques.

Emotional Disonnance, Burnout, and In-role Performance Among Nurses and Police Officers
The articles touch on two studies -101 police officers and 108 nurses tested the suggestion that "emotionally demanding" connections with recipients can result to emotional dissonance that may in turn, lead to impaired performance and job burnout. Additionally, the authors foresee that "emotional dissonance" would be unconstructively related to in-role performance in terms of its association with burnout.

Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Subclinical Cardiovascular Disease in Police Officers
The article centers on a present study that looks at the connections of "posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms" to "subclinical cardiovascular disease" in police officers. The study showed that higher PTSD symptoms in the police sample were linked to an almost double reduction in "brachial artery FMD" -a biomarker of "subclinical cardiovascular disease.

The International Journal of Stress Management targets professionals in the field of education, psychiatry, psychology, medicine, and others "researching stress and treating stress". The International Journal of Stress Management is distributed in hospitals, other health-related institutes, and hospitals. The rate for subscription to the journal is at for organizations and for individuals.

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Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Stress Management and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Stress Management web site. For more articles and resources on Stress Management related topics, stress relief, stress tests, stress symptoms, stress reduction and much more visit his site at:


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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Stress Management - 7 Calming Foods and Vitamins

The body wants food for one reason only - fuel. If we all listened tour our bodies, we'd never have a problem with nutrition or weight. Unfortunately, our minds are usually in charge of deciding what and when to eat.

The stress response not only indicates how much and how often we eat; it also affects what we want to eat. Sugar, caffeine, and high fat snacks with their strong flavors and aromas, offer quick distraction and a brief surge of energy. Sadly, the energy is short lived because these foods typically pack little nutritional value. If the body keeps craving nutrients and the mind keeps responding with convenience foods, it generally becomes a vicious cycle that is a setup for overeating.

Recently a lot of attention has been paid to the relationship between food and mood - what you eat and how you feel One of the major biochemical reactions involved in your stress is something called serotonin. Serotonin is a naturally occurring chemical in your brain.

Stress Management - 7 Calming Foods and Vitamins

Vitamins play a major role in the way you handle stress. Vitamins C, E, A and some of the B vitamins are known as anti-oxidants" and are believe to have powerful healing, calming and anti-aging qualities As a general rule choose as many foods as possible form the following:

- Vitamin E foods mostly vegetables, fruit, eggs
- Vitamin A foods yogurt, eggs, carrots, leafy green vegetables
- Vitamins C foods all fruits and vegetables,
- Vitamin B foods beans, lentils, peas, nuts.

Whether certain foods will have an instant effect on your calm state is a matter of experiment. Some will be immediate, others will take 30 minutes or so. If you doubt this, I urge you to try the following: spend one entire day eating nothing but raw vegetables and fruit. At the end of 12 hours or so you will feel more calm and relaxed.

Try these 7 calming foods:

- Sprouts - they are a great source of B vitamins and Vitamin C all useful vitamins in treatment of stress.

- Bananas - To handle stress well, you need to maintain a correct balance between sodium limiting you salt and eating more potassium rich foods such bananas.

- Kiwifruit - known to be high in vitamin C and rich source of potassium

- Beans - Good source of potassium

- Eggs a great source of vitamin E, B2 A and D

- Wheatgerm - a great source of vitamin E

- Oats - a rich source of Vitamin B2

Now it's your turn to eat your way to a calm stress free life. Choose wisely.

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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Stress Management - Can a Stress Management Workshop Remove the Stress in Your Life?

Stress is an almost everyday occurrence both at home and in the workplace. A stress management workshop can teach you that a moderate amount of stress is not necessarily bad and can be adaptive and protective.

The way your body usually responds to moderate stress helps you physically and mentally prepare for new or difficult challenges. Not all stress can be bad and in many cases be actually beneficial by adding excitement and challenge to your life. It provides you with motivation, energy, and excitement, which helps you achieve goals, meet responsibilities, challenges and leaves you with a sense of accomplishment.

Both in and out of work, some stress is necessary and normal. A stress management workshop will go to great lengths to explain that repeated, continuous, intense, overwhelming stress is negative stress, which can cause psychological disorders and physical illness.

Stress Management - Can a Stress Management Workshop Remove the Stress in Your Life?

Negative stresses in the workplace will often make it difficult concentrating, handling responsibility, and you will continuously feel oppressed, overwhelmed, and hopeless. Because stress in the workforce has become so common and counterproductive, many companies and organizations now hold stress management workshops for their employees to show them a variety of effective ways to deal with workplace stress.

A stress management workshop helps you with information that stress affects everybody differently. Continuous negative stress can make you feel angry, fatigued, frustrated, play havoc with your emotions, and lead to very low self-esteem, which makes it extremely difficult to produce quality work.

A stress management workshop will explain the physical benefits of handling work stress. This skill helps avoid stress related physical health problems such as headaches, ulcers, depression, and high blood pressure.

No matter how dedicated a person is to their job, there needs to be an ongoing healthy balance between work and their personal life. Your most important asset is your health and investing a small portion of your time attending a stress management workshop and studying strategies to control stress can certainly help improve your quality of life both in and outside the workplace.

At a stress management workshop, the instructor gives you tips and ideas on how to cope with unexpected or unpredictable problems. Difficult customers and bosses, unreasonable deadlines, and even disagreements or arguments between co-workers can cause unexpected stress.

Learning how to deal effectively with stress related problems helps you become more productive, happier, and in control of potentially stressful situations. In the workplace, organizing your workload and time is important and often will greatly reduce your stress level.

The stress management workshop will teach you effective time management and organizational skills that will go a long way to reduce stress in your life. When you get the opportunity it can be productive to attend a stress management workshop-perhaps you can be the person to suggest your employer sponsor such an event. It should lower workplace stress and increase productivity; both benefits your employer should be enthusiastic about.

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John Groth has learned to effectively manage everyday stress. On his site find a Stress Relief Guide [] ,valuable articles and a FREE Stop Suffering from Anexity Report. Discover stress reduction strategies at his Stress Management Ideas Guide [] all to assist you in reducing the stress and tension in your life.

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