Friday, November 30, 2012

7 Simple Ways To Decrease Stress

Stress is often the end result when people react to certain events. In fact, it's the way of the body to handle challenges and meet tough situations with stamina, heightened alertness, strength, and focus.

Enough amount of stress can be good. But, stress overloads are not good. For example, small amount of stress regarding an upcoming examination can inspire you to study but too much stress can entirely make your concentration poor. Too intense or chronic pressures or troubles that are handled alone can result to stress overloads.

The stress overload signs are panic or anxiety attacks, constant feeling of being pressured, hurried, and hassled, moodiness and irritability, physical symptoms including chest pain, headaches, or stomach problems, sleeping problems, allergic reaction like asthma or eczema, depression or sadness, and too much drinking, smoking, doing drugs, or overeating.

7 Simple Ways To Decrease Stress

What are some ways to decrease stress?

1. Be realistic. Nobody is perfect. Never expect other people to be perfect. It will just heighten your stress. For example; you are doing a difficult school project, it is much better if you ask help from other people to lessen your stress.

2. Decide properly on excessive scheduling. Cut down some activities which are not very important to you.

3. Never forget to relax. Relaxation response is one of be the best and natural stress antidotes. Try doing simple breathing exercises in stressful situations.

4. Always have a good night's sleep. This can keep your mind and body in good shape and prepare to handle negative stressors.

5. Always maintain a positive outlook, thoughts, and attitude. A healthy dosage of optimism helps in making the most of stressful circumstances.

6. Good body treatment. Regular exercise and proper diet helps in proper stress management instead of running or eating fast food or junk food, and turning to substance abuse.

7. Solve little problems. This can build your self-confidence and control.

These ways are simple yet can help you manage stress successfully. But, skills on stress-management work best if regularly used.

7 Simple Ways To Decrease Stress
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To learn more stress relieving ways, visit my stress reducing tips site

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