Saturday, June 30, 2012

Can Stress Cause Memory Loss?

You may be staring at your computer screen, knowing perfectly well that the article due to be written needs to be completed and sent within the next hour. But as soon as you start typing the words out, your brain stops functioning, the words don't make sense, and your fingers don't move around the keyboard anymore. Your first instinct is to get up and run out of the door. This is known as the "fight or flight response" that every human being faces in case of impending danger. Although it is devised to save us from any imminent mishap, it is also responsible for slowing the brain down and memory loss.

If you are wondering about can stress cause memory loss you are not the only one thinking of the same question. In case of a situation of stress, our body starts reacting in order to take actions accordingly. Stress hormones such as cortisol are secreted by the brain, which provides energy to our limbs and the will to take action immediately.

Stress Management

Since the hippocampus is robbed of its energy in such conditions, there are high possibilities of creating new memories at this point of time. If the hippocampus is exposed in such a way for a long time, then there are chances of short-term memory loss. The functions of the brain are deterred and loss of memory occurs in such times. Repeated exposure of the hippocampus damages it, and this is one of the earliest causes of Alzheimer's at a later stage.

Can Stress Cause Memory Loss?

Can stress cause memory loss? Yes, it can. Therefore, it is important to control the degree of stress that you allow your body and brain to be subjected to. Sustained subjection of the brain affects the brain cells negatively and causes memory loss in the long run. It is crucial to try to keep the mind and body free of stress as much as possible. Sometimes it may be possible to recover the memory loss and repair the brain damage caused by continuous stress. However, if the damage is too severe, then there is no way that the brain can go back to its normal functions or regain the lost memory. Therefore, take note of how your body and brain is being affected by stress every day.

Still wondering if can stress cause memory loss. It is important that you take this seriously in order to avoid irreparable damage to the brain. However, it is natural for all of us to forget things when we are in the middle of a lot of work. Too much pressure tends to make us forget a few things here and there. But if you are always working under pressure and stress then this may become a chronic ailment. Therefore, it is necessary to work under normal conditions. Misplacing things and not remembering where you kept them is a sign of normal forgetfulness. But stress related memory loss diseases include Alzheimer's, dementia, and other related illnesses that cause trauma to the brain.

Can Stress Cause Memory Loss?

Find out What Causes Memory Loss [] and learn how to cure it. The Causes Of Memory Loss can be stopped before you completely lose your ability to remember.

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Friday, June 29, 2012

How To Remove Your Stress?

Stress is condition of somebody in under pressure because target of business and desire cannot grab and match with the plan. Stress can come to you if your body and mind over capacity to conduct activities every day. Body stress said as tired and mind stress eventually said only stress. This article will discuss about mind stress and body stress. How to remove it from you.?

Plan is not everything

Stress Management

Every human has planned to get something. If you can get goal then you will say: "I am success, guys!". However, if you failed with your plan, then you will sad and regret. You feel false and under pressure because bashful, disappointed and angry. I know your teacher always teach you to plan everything when you will conduct something. So many, approach on planning management. This management teaches us how to grab success with right and better planning but never say how to solve if our planning failed. Every planning always will be success based on track the management planning.

How To Remove Your Stress?

Fact showed, there are many planning cannot control by planner and other people. Every action does to remove failed to make success that plan. Do you know if Adam Smith said that in economic science always "appear" invisible hand make something happen without stopped by human or other power? This is will make planning derailed and failed.

We must be trust to Adam Smith and find what is invisible hand!. My opinion: invisible hand is GOD. If you have prepared your plan, let's god to guarantee our planning will success. If not success yet, let's ask to god why does not success? I guarantee, your god will give enlightenment and information about your plan and failed.

Let's remove stress

Are you still stress with your career, job, office or spouse? Ahh... I know you need way to escape from stress. Usually, everybody in urban community will go to discotique to remove stress with music and alcohol. This is can remove stress temporary and will come again next time. Below some tips to remove your stress and trust me this is very useful for you:

1. Put god in your heart and your planning.

2. Keep in mind, if you failed some day, then next time you should be success with lesson from your failed.

3. Trust me, failed is not always come in your life episode. Life episode will change with another genesis.

4. If you failed, keep calm and straight to solution. Do not sad and angry but keep relax and analyze everything.

5. Discuss with every people related with this case. See with your mind and hearth, you will find another way to quit from this condition.

6. Conduct sport and meditation especially dragon meditation. Your stress will remove automatically. Do not alcohol and discotiq to remove this. But you can save sex to escape stress especially with your spouse.

7. Go to sleep without dream and I guarantee you will wake up like fresh man from the oven. This is will discuss in next article.

8. Let's start life with heart not with brain, think and mind. Change your brain with feel and heart. Brain only in your school, seminar and discussion. But this life is not school, lecture or laboratories. Life is fact and controls it with hearth and feel.


Actually, only 2 solutions to remove your stress. There are put god in your hearth, and change your brain with your hearth and feel in everyday life. Your brain is only to think phenomena like physics, chemistry, social change, etc. But your feel and brain is to control your every day life. For more info see my website or next short article.

How To Remove Your Stress?

Mike Handy is meditation practitioner almost 18 Years in South East Asia. He has 8 seven type of Dragon Meditation for selected people. Now, he want everybody can enjoy this meditation via his website: [] Ignore word tattoo in his website. The content is more important.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

How to Start an Event Management Company

Event Management is considered to be a sunrise industry today. The industry is growing dynamically due to the sudden gush in Live Entertainment Shows, corporate events, exhibitions, carnivals, festivals, seminars and conferences.

The industry started with the multinationals poured into the global market in the late 80s. Today, industry segments like music, sports, culture, fashion shows, award ceremonies and cultural gatherings have become the fundamental growth drivers in the event management sector.
Events are considered to be a power tool for marketing, advertising, promotion and communications mix for all companies. It has become the most significant part of any marketing strategy. A large number of companies are looking forward to good event management companies as a means of building a brand image for them.

Stress Management

This calls for a demand of event management companies in the business sector. These companies require specialization in planning, visualization, creativity and venue management. Personnel of these companies should be skillful, talented and creative to organize and execute any kind of private or public event.

How to Start an Event Management Company

If you are really willing to earn big and live big, then event management career is the right option for you. Don't sit in a corner of your room and ask yourself, 'how to start and event Management Company', rather ask yourself, 'when should I start learning and practicing'?

Learning and practicing simply involves learning and understanding the basic concept, fundamentals and benefits of starting this company. You can get into event management by joining a firm that will help you gain experience and learn client specific requirements. After a year or tow, when you feel, you have gained enough of understanding and experience of the industry, you can go ahead and open the veil of your own future for name and fame.

Starting the right business you need business resources, equipments and a laborious workforce. So, the day when you finally decide to start off with your own business, first hunt for few personnel who can be a part of your organization and help you in promoting your business. Keep one thing in mind while hunting for the workforce, education cannot open doors to creativity and imaginations. These qualities are inbuilt.

There may be cases where you might get highly qualified personnel, who may lack analytical thinking, creativity, good communication skills and other skills and abilities essential for the business. At the other end, there are people who are just a graduate but have good analytical skills, wild imaginations and a strong networking as well.

The fundamental qualities required for starting any event management business or hiring personnel for your business are good analytical thinking, client service orientation, good negotiation skills, ability to work under pressure, teamwork, planning and good networking.

Analytical or critical thinking is essential to acknowledge and solve any problem obstructing the business potential. Client or customer service orientation helps in meeting and fulfilling the needs of the clients as well as customers.

If you want to become an astute minded businessman, then it is needless to say that teamwork, good negotiation skills and good networking skills are the basic requirements for any business to start off.

How to Start an Event Management Company

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Monday, June 25, 2012

Coping with Change: Develop Your Personal Strategy

Why do we resist change?

As the saying goes, the only people who like change are busy cashiers and wet babies. We find change disorienting, creating within us an anxiety similar to culture shock, the unease visitors to an alien land feel because of the absence of the familiar cues they took for granted back home. With an established routine, we don't have to think! And thinking is hard work.

Stress Management

Change is a business fact of life

Coping with Change: Develop Your Personal Strategy

Is your company is currently undergoing major changes that will affect the lives of all of its employees? These changes are probably in response to the evolving needs of your customers. They are made possible because of improvements in telecommunications and digital technology. They are likely guided by accepted principles and practices of total quality management. And you can expect that they will result in significant improvements profitability--a success that all employees will share. Because our customers' needs are NOW, we must make changes swiftly, which means that all of us must cooperate with the changes, rather than resist them.

How do we resist change?

We tend to respond to change the same way we respond to anything we perceive as a threat: by flight or fight. Our first reaction is flight--we try to avoid change if we can. We do what futurist Faith Popcorn calls "cocooning": we seal ourselves off from those around us and try to ignore what is happening. This can happen in the workplace just by being passive. We don't volunteer for teams or committees; we don't make suggestions, ask questions, or offer constructive criticism. But the changes ahead are inescapable. Those who "cocoon" themselves will be left behind.

Even worse is to fight, to actively resist change. Resistance tactics might include negativity, destructive criticism, and even sabotage. If this seldom happens at your company, you are fortunate.

Take a different approach to change

Rejecting both alternatives of flight or flight, we seek a better option--one that neither avoids change nor resists it, but harnesses and guides it.

Change can be the means to your goals, not a barrier to them.
Both fight and flight are reactions to perceiving change as a threat. But if we can change our perceptions, we can avoid those reactions. An old proverb goes, "Every change brings an opportunity." In other words, we must learn to see change as a means of achieving our goals, not a barrier preventing us from reaching them.

Another way of expressing the same thought is: A change in my external circumstances provides me with an opportunity to grow as a human being. The greater the change is, the greater and faster I can grow. If we can perceive change along these lines, we will find it exciting and energizing, rather than depressing and debilitating.

Yet this restructuring of our perspective on change can take some time. In fact, coping with change follows the same steps as the grieving process.1 The steps are shock and denial that the old routine must be left behind, then anger that change is inevitable, then despair and a longing for the old ways, eventually replaced by acceptance of the new and a brighter view of the future. Everyone works through this process; for some, the transition is lightning fast, for others painfully slow.

Realize your capacity to adapt.

As one writer put it recently:

Our foreparents lived through sea changes, upheavals so cataclysmic, so devastating we may never appreciate the fortitude and resilience required to survive them. The next time you feel resistant, think about them and about what they faced--and about what they fashioned from a fraction of the options we have. They blended old and new worlds, creating family, language, cuisine and new life-affirming rhythms, and they encouraged their children to keep on stepping toward an unknown but malleable future.2

Human beings are created remarkably flexible, capable of adapting to a wide variety of environments and situations. Realizing this can help you to embrace and guide change rather than resisting or avoiding it.

Develop a coping strategy based on who you are.

Corporate employees typically follow one of four decision-making styles: analytical, directive, conceptual, and behavioral. These four styles, described in a book by Alan J. Rowe and Richard O. Mason,3 have the following characteristics:
Analytical Style - technical, logical, careful, methodical, needs much data, likes order, enjoys problem-solving, enjoys structure, enjoys scientific study, and enjoys working alone. Conceptual Style - creative and artistic, future oriented, likes to brainstorm, wants independence, uses judgment, optimistic, uses ideas vs. data, looks at the big picture, rebellious and opinionated, and committed to principles or a vision. Behavioral Style - supportive of others, empathetic, wants affiliation, nurtures others, communicates easily, uses instinct, avoids stress, avoids conflict, relies on feelings instead of data, and enjoys team/group efforts. Directive Style - aggressive, acts rapidly, takes charge, persuasive and/or is manipulative, uses rules, needs power/status, impatient, productive, single-minded, and enjoys individual achievements.

Read once more through these descriptions and identify which style best describes you. Then find and study the strategy people who share your style follow to cope with change:

Analytical coping strategy - You see change as a challenging puzzle to be solved. You need plenty of time to gather information, analyze data, and draw conclusions. You will resist change if you are not given enough time to think it through. Conceptual coping strategy - You are interested in how change fits into the big picture. You want to be involved in defining what needs to change and why. You will resist change if you feel excluded from participating in the change process. Behavioral coping strategy - You want to know how everyone feels about the changes ahead. You work best when you know that the whole group is supportive of each other and that everyone champions the change process. If the change adversely affects someone in the group, you will perceive change as a crisis. Directive coping strategy - You want specifics on how the change will affect you and what your own role will be during the change process. If you know the rules of the change process and the desired outcome, you will act rapidly and aggressively to achieve change goals. You resist change if the rules or anticipated results are not clearly defined.

Realizing what our normal decision-making style is, can enable us to develop personal change-coping tactics.

How can we cope with change?

Getting at least this much comprehension of the big picture will help us to understand where each of us fits.

2. Do some anchoring. - When everything around you is in a state of flux, it sure helps to find something stable that isn't going to change, no matter what. Your company's values (whether articulated or not) can provide that kind of stability for you. Ours include the Company Family, Focus on the Customer, Be Committed to Quality, and Maintain Mutual Respect. These values are rock-solid; they are not going to disappear or rearrange themselves into something else. Plus, each of us has personal values that perhaps are even more significant and permanent. Such immovables can serve as anchors to help us ride out the storm.

3. Keep your expectations realistic. - A big part of taking control of the change you experience is to set your expectations. You can still maintain an optimistic outlook, but aim for what is realistically attainable. That way, the negatives that come along won't be so overwhelming, and the positives will be an adrenaline rush. Here are some examples:

Invest time and energy in training. Sharpen your skills so that you can meet the challenges ahead with confidence. If the training you need is not available through Bowne, get it somewhere else, such as the community college or adult education program in your area.

Get help when you need it. If you are confused or overwhelmed with the changes swirling around you, ask for help. Your supervisor, manager, or coworkers may be able to assist you in adjusting to the changes taking place. Your human resources department and any company-provided counseling services are other resources available to you.

Make sure the change does not compromise either your company values or your personal ones. If you are not careful, the technological advances jostling each other for your attention and adoption will tend to isolate you from personal contact with your coworkers and customers. E-mail, teleconference, voice-mail, and Intranet can make us more in touch with each other, or they can keep us antiseptically detached, removed from an awareness that the digital signals we are sending reach and influence another flesh-and-blood human being.

Aware of this tendency, we must actively counteract the drift in this direction by taking an interest in people and opening up ourselves to them in return. We have to remember to invest in people--all of those around us--not just in technology.

The "new normalcy"

Ultimately, we may discover that the current state of flux is permanent. After the events of September 11, Vice President Richard Cheney said we should accept the many resultant changes in daily life as permanent rather than temporary. "Think of them," he recommended, "as the 'new normalcy.'"

You should take the same approach to the changes happening at your workplace. These are not temporary adjustments until things get "back to normal." They are probably the "new normalcy" of your life as a company. The sooner you can accept that these changes are permanent, the better you can cope with them all--and enjoy their positive results.


1. Nancy J. Barger and Linda K. Kirby, The Challenge of Change in Organizations: Helping Employees Thrive in the New Frontier (Palo Alto, CA: Davies-Black Publ., 1995). This source is summarized in Mary M. Witherspoon, "Coping with Change," Women in Business 52, 3 (May/June 2000): 22-25.

2. Susan Taylor, "Embracing Change," Essence (Feb. 2002): 5.

3. Alan J. Rowe and Richard O. Mason, Managing with Style: A Guide to Understanding, Assessing and Improving Decision-Making (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Management Series, 1987) cited in Witherspoon, "Coping with Change."

4. Emily Friedman, "Creature Comforts," Health Forum Journal 42, 3 (May/June 1999): 8-11. Futurist John Naisbitt has addressed this tendency in his book, High tech/high touch: Technology and our search for meaning (New York: Random House, 1999). Naisbitt co-wrote this book with his daughter Nana Naisbitt and Douglas Philips.

Coping with Change: Develop Your Personal Strategy

* * *

Copyright ©2006 Steve Singleton

Steve Singleton has written and edited several books and numerous articles. He has been an editor, reporter, and public relations consultant. He has taught college-level Greek, Bible, and religious studies courses and has taught seminars in 11 states and the Caribbean.

Go to his for Bible study resources, no matter what your level of expertise. Explore "The Shallows," plumb "The Depths," or use the well-organized "Study Links" for original sources in English translation. Check out the DeeperStudy Bookstore for great e-books, free books, and great discounts. Subscribe to his free "DeeperStudy Newsletter" or "DeeperStudy Blog."

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Eat For Stress Relief - 5 Foods to Calm You Down

If you're jittery bundle of nerves, start eating for stress relief. The following five foods will calm you down and make you feel fit enough to handle whatever life can throw at you.

1. Avocados Lower Your Blood Pressure

Stress Management

Stress is a great excuse to indulge in creamy guacamole. Not only will you get instant stress relief from this green marvel, you'll also do your heart good. Avocado contains both monounsaturated fat, and potassium, which can lower your blood pressure.

Eat For Stress Relief - 5 Foods to Calm You Down

2. Oats, Your Serotonin Enhancer

Just like your mother told you, porridge is good for you. Oats contain carbohydrates which are absorbed slowly, and this enhances the serotonin-producing abilities of your brain. Serotonin is your body's own stress-relieving chemical.

So if you know you'll have a busy, high-pressure day, take a few moments to eat a bowl of porridge or muesli before you leave the house.

3. Oranges - Fast Stress Relief

Oranges for stress relief, who knew? It turns out that vitamin C relieves stress by returning your blood pressure and levels of cortisol (a chemical produced by the body when you're under stress) to normal quickly.

4. Salmon Keeps Cortisol and Adrenaline in Check

Salmon is packed with omega-3 fatty acids, and they keep cortisol and adrenaline (another chemical your body produces when you're under stress) in check.

If you hate fish, you can buy capsules of omega-3, but fresh salmon is better for you.

5. Skim Milk, Calms You and Relieves PMS

Do you turn into a fire-breathing dragon at that time of the month? Skim milk not only calms you down at any time, but it's especially useful when you're suffering the irritability and mood swings of PMS.

Here's an added tip: if your stress is giving you insomnia, a glass of skim milk will help sooth you to sleep.

Everyone suffers from stress. The above five foods will not only help you to manage stress, but will also improve your general health, so that you're calm and serene, even in the midst of the chaos of your life.

Eat For Stress Relief - 5 Foods to Calm You Down

Want more stress relief tips? You'll get more information on stress management on the Just Stress Relief Blog at, and at the Easy Fab Yoga Blog at

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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Span of Management

Also known as span of control, is a very important concept of organizing function of management. It refers to the number of subordinates that can be handled effectively by a superior in an organization. It signifies how the relations are planned between superior and subordinates in an organization.

Span of management is generally categorized under two heads- Narrow span and Wide span. Narrow Span of management means a single manager or supervisor oversees few subordinates. This gives rise to a tall organizational structure. While, a wide span of management means a single manager or supervisor oversees a large number of subordinates. This gives rise to a flat organizational structure.There is an inverse relation between the span of management and the number of hierarchical levels in an organization, i.e., narrow the span of management , greater the number of levels in an organization.

Stress Management

Narrow span of management is more costly compared to wide span of management as there are larger number of superiors/ managers and thus there is greater communication issues too between various management levels. The less geographically scattered the subordinates are, the better it is to have a wide span of management as it would be feasible for managers to be in touch with the subordinates and to explain them how to efficiently perform the tasks. In case of narrow span of management, there are comparatively more growth opportunities for a subordinate as the number of levels is more.

Span of Management

The more efficient and organized the managers are in performing their tasks, the better it is to have wide span of management for such organization. The less capable, motivated and confident the employees are, the better it is to have a narrow span of management so that the managers can spend time with them and supervise them well. The more standardized is the nature of tasks ,i.e., if same task can be performed using same inputs, the better it is to have a wide span of management as more number of subordinates can be supervised by a single superior. There is more flexibility, quick decision making, effective communication between top level and low level management,and improved customer interaction in case of wide span of management. Technological advancement such as mobile phones, mails, etc. makes it feasible for superiors to widen their span of management as there is more effective communication.

An optimal/ideal span of control according to the modern authors is fifteen to twenty subordinates per manager, while according to the traditional authors the ideal number is six subordinates per manager. But actually, an ideal span of control depends upon the nature of an organization, skills and capabilities of manager, the employees skills and abilities, the nature of job, the degree of interaction required between superior and subordinates.

Span of Management

Author is the writer of which explains in detail about the organizing function of management and its important concepts.

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Stress Management: Ending Automatic Negative Behaviors

I'm sure that if you reflect on some of the annoying behaviors that you may repeatedly manifest you'll get a sense of how they slip into your repertoire silently only to be noticed by you after the fact. Of course by then it's too late because the damage has already been done. I'm sure I don't have to tell you how much stress all of this causes you.

These negative behaviors may include, but are not limited to, the following:

Stress Management

1. Being unable to say No when it's necessary.

Stress Management: Ending Automatic Negative Behaviors

2. Being overly controlling.

3. Becoming impatient with clients, staff and colleagues.

4. Losing your cool and getting angry.

5. Procrastination.

6. Unable to adopt new more successful strategies when required.

7. Stopping to look after your emotional, mental and physical health.

8. Sticking to a job that is killing because you're too afraid of change.

9. Failing to listen to others.

10. And so on.

Such reactions are automatic in nature and leave you feeling trapped and victimized by them. Consequences of such behaviors may include:

1. Becoming exhausted and burnt out.

2. A marked reduction in performance.

3. A loss of energy and motivation.

4. A loss of creativity.

5. Mental and emotional confusion.

6. Job loss.

7. Relationship failures.

8. Emotional, mental and physical illness.

9. Addictive behaviors.

10. Suicidal thoughts.

All of this equates to an increase in stress levels.

Much has been written about methods of becoming aware of such negative automatic behaviors so that you can "head them off at the pass" so to speak. Such strategies often require you to be alert and aware of what is going on in your environment at every moment so that you will be ready for the triggers that set them off.

Unfortunately, if you have ever undertaken such an approach you will readily admit that you would rather be focused on the task at hand rather than have to be vigilant for this unwanted unconscious material. In fact having to do this in many ways actually "increases" you stress level doesn't it? It only adds one more layer of things to remember.

There is a better way!

What if you could just erase, once and for all, whatever it is inside you that are responsible for the automatic behaviors? What if doing this could free you up to focus all of your energy to what ever else you are doing without any concern that those negative behaviors will creep up behind your back and harm you?

Yes, I can sense that you may be feeling skeptical yet at the same time excited by the prospect that this is even possible. Well let me assure you that it is and that I have been helping individuals do just that over the last ten years with a new but little know modality called the Mind Resonance Process(TM).

If you'd like to know more about this kindly visit the web link below where I have a special audio message waiting for you.

Stress Management: Ending Automatic Negative Behaviors

Dr. Nick Arrizza is trained in Chemical Engineering, Business Management & Leadership, Medicine and Psychiatry. He is an Energy Psychiatrist, Healer, Key Note Speaker,Editor of a New Ezine Called "Spirituality And Science" (which is requesting high quality article submissions) Author of "Esteem for the Self: A Manual for Personal Transformation" (available in ebook format on his web site), Stress Management Coach, Peak Performance Coach & Energy Medicine Researcher, Specializes in Life and Executive Performance Coaching, is the Developer of a powerful new tool called the Mind Resonance Process(TM) that helps build physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being by helping to permanently release negative beliefs, emotions, perceptions and memories. He holds live workshops, international telephone coaching sessions and international teleconference workshops on Physical. Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Well Being. Business URL #1:

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Monday, June 18, 2012

The Role and Responsibilities of a Supervisor


Supervising is like parenting. These are two of the most important jobs any one can do, but few people are adequately prepared or trained to do them. Most people learn by trial and error with varying degrees of success. But both jobs are far too important to be left to chance and the good news is that you can learn with some help and guidance how to be successful in them. This article will help you to be a more effective and efficient supervisor.

Stress Management

Supervisor's Role

The Role and Responsibilities of a Supervisor

In one sentence, write down what you think your main role as a supervisor is.
A role is a main activity or two that you are charged with undertaking

The answers could be:
· Provide leadership and collaborative direction to my staff;

· To be a team leader

· To ensure my staff have the human and physical resources to undertake their work in an efficient manner
Supervisor's Responsibilities

Learning Activity

What are your main supervisory responsibilities in your present job?
List them on a separate piece of paper (you should have 8 to 12). It is sometimes easier to think of these under two main headings: (a) job related and (b) people related.
Once you have a list, then rank them in order of importance.
When you have completed this activity, look at the examples other examples of supervisory responsibilities provided by the author.

Job Related

· Cost Control

· Equipment

· Goals

· Materials

· Plans

· Procedures

· Productivity

· Quality

· Standards

· Training

People Related

· Coaching

· Communicating

· Delegating

· Disciplining

· Leadership

· Managing yourself

· Motivating

· Supervising others

Learning Activity:

Current Obstacles & Challenges
What obstacles do you personally face now that makes it difficult for you to fulfil some of these responsibilities? They may stem (1) from you, (2) from your unit or (3) the organization as a whole. List then and then rank them in order of importance:

New Ways of Supervising

Over the years, the role of a supervisor has changed significantly from being a top down, autocratic order-giver to a team leader, coach and motivator.

· from ordering to asking; and consulting.

· from telling to listening and asking questions.

· from policing to coaching.

· from each person for himself to teamwork.

· from fear to mutual respect.

This change has come about, not because people are becoming "soft-hearted," but because it is now very clear that people are more productive if they are happy, motivated and upbeat. This takes place in an employee-friendly environment. The change is one of enlightened self-interest on the part of managers who decide what training is appropriate for their supervisors. They know that happy employees are productive employees.
Review and discuss about briefly the following chart "Leadership Styles"

Guidelines for Supervisory Behaviour

Without having a clear idea of what is acceptable behaviour for a supervisory, you are likely to model your behaviour after some role model in your life: a parent, a teacher, a boss. This could be good; but it could be disastrous if any of these people is dictatorial and demanding, or weak and indecisive.

A major benefit of this supervisory training program is that it provides you with guidelines about what is acceptable supervisory behaviour, and what is not. It also provides you with the skills to bring about this behavioural change. Once you know this, you will be more confident in what you do, as you won't be wondering whether you are taking the right action. Also, if you train with other people, you will all learn the same skill set and you will be able to help each other in the future when challenges arise.

Supervisor's Self-Assessment Survey

The Self-Assessment of Supervisory Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes survey below may look formidable but it effectively outlines the areas that you need to eventually master in order to become an outstanding supervisor. Don't be dismayed, you don't have to master all these areas in a month or two. It will take time and you will need to systematically work away at one or two areas at a time.

Most supervisors get promoted because they are "good on the job." They are hard working, productive. Hopefully, they are also loyal to the company and a good team player. While this is a good start to being a good supervisor, there are other skills they need to develop in terms of leadership: how to inspire, motivate, coach, delegate, discipline, plan, team-build etc. This is what this program is about.

Self-Assessment Survey Directions

Read through the list below without marking it up, then the second time around, Put a YES, NO or MAYBE to record what you think your skill or knowledge level is. This will give you a good idea where your strengths and weaknesses are

Supervisor's Self-Assessment Survey


I have a clear understanding of the Company's goals and objectives

I understand how my role fits into the goals of the Company

I have a clear vision of the objectives of my area

I communicate the Company and area goals to the people under my supervision (my team) on a regular basis

I give frequent feedback to the people in my team to encourage their development and the achievement of their goals and objectives

I recognize and celebrate the successes of those in my team

I feel that the people in the Company are our most important assets

I believe that I treat others as I would like to be treated myself

I consciously work at setting an example of effective leadership

I am actively working on developing a positive self-image

My own enthusiasm is increasing the desire of my team to do better


I have a written annual plan and personal performance goals which have been agreed upon by me and the person to whom I report

I work with my team regularly to help them set SMART goals that support their workplace development

I break down my annual goals into shorter-term goals

I review the progress of my goals regularly

I have a method for measuring and keeping track of my goal achievement

I ensure that the members of my team know on a regular basis the status of the Company's goal achievement

My goals for myself as a Foreman and for my team tie into the Company's goals

I set goals that stretch and challenge me

I achieve a high proportion of the goals I set

I enjoy challenges, and see them as opportunities for growth

Personal Productivity

I clearly understand my priorities

I spend only a small portion of my time in crisis management

I delegate work to others in an effective manner

My area of responsibility runs smoothly when I am not there

I accept personal responsibility when I make a mistake

I ensure that meetings I run have a clear agenda and start and finish on time

I plan my work in advance and work the plan

I rarely procrastinate or leave things to the last minute

I keep others informed, in advance, when I cannot meet their deadlines

Motivating Others

I give feedback on a timely basis

I know the people on my team well enough to understand what is important to them

I believe in the abilities of people on my team and communicate my confidence in them

I provide (or am instrumental in obtaining) training for the people on my team that they need to develop the skills necessary to do their job well

I ensure clear goals and expectations are set with those people who report to me

Morale in my department (team) is high

I always share credit for success

I ensure that people on my team are clear about what their responsibilities are

I ask questions and encourage people to find out answers to their concerns

I listen to the ideas of others

I am flexible in how things get done, providing the results are satisfactory

When things go wrong, I question what I could have done differently. I share responsibility.

Coaching for Success

I coach my people to help them achieve success in what they do

I provide one-on-one sessions with each person who reports to me

I ensure that during coaching sessions the other person(s) talk more than I do

I really listen to understand the concerns of others

I help others to be self-aware of the areas in which they deed to improve or develop

I support the goals set by individuals on my team

I help members of my team to be accountable for their goals and performance

I deal openly, constructively and promptly with any negative performance issues

I encourage and ask for feedback on my own performance from my team

Communications and Building Relationships

I listen to understand the other person's perspective before I give mine

I always wait until others have finished talking before I speak; I don't interrupt

I spend time planning important communications, written or oral

I develop strong business relationships with the people on my team as well as with suppliers and customers

When people bring to my attention my own negative performance issues, I respond in a non-defensive manner

I speak calmly to people, not raising my voice, regardless of the issue at hand

If I have an issue with someone, I always deal directly with them, I do not talk behind their back

I observe others' non-verbal communication to assess how they are really feeling

I maintain an open mind in most discussions

I seek and consider other people's opinions

Dealing with Performance Issues

I deal with performance issues on a timely basis

I allow others to explain their viewpoint before coming to a conclusion

I see dealing with negative issues as an opportunity to train and develop people

I make sure that clear expectations are set and agreed upon with the individual after a performance issue discussion

I am willing to accept that my perception of an issue may not always be right

I avoid argument, accusation and sarcasm

I encourage others on my team to be open about their mistakes so that we can make corrections and learn

Team Building and Synergy

I see my position as Foreman as being a team leader and that those I supervise are all members of my team

I ensure that my team and it's members have clear goals and expectations

I am willing to delegate responsibility to team members

I give regular feedback to the members of my team; not just about negative issues but I also regularly tell members of my team when them have performed well

Others see me as a team player

I follow through on commitments I make to team members

The results of team efforts are shared with members of the team (e.g. I do not take all the credit for my team's successes)

I actively promote team spirit and positive interpersonal relationships amongst the members of my team

As team leader, I move promptly to discourage behaviour by individual(s) in my team when such behaviour has a negative impact on team-building (e.g. "turf wars," "inner circles," "behind-back gossip" etc.

Managing Stress

I am aware of what causes me stress on the job and I manage those situations

I notice when team members are under stress and help them to deal with the situation

I discuss my concerns and problems with the person to whom I report

I do not take my work problems home, nor do I bring my home problems to work

I use small amounts of stress as a motivator

I enjoy most of the work I do

I strive to maintain a good balance between my workplace life and my home life

I eat a balanced diet

I exercise regularly

Enhancing Future Results

I am continually upgrading my skills

I am aware of areas I need to improve

I ask advice from people with more experience

I admit when I do not know something

I invest time in training or coaching others

I spend time weekly to study or read

I ask others regularly how they think I could improve

That is the conclusion of this article which I hope you have found helpful and informative.

Do check out my website too although it is not directly related to this subject, you may also find it interesting

The Role and Responsibilities of a Supervisor

Michael Brooke, Ph.D is a retired university senior administrator, an adult educator, corporate traininer and recruiter, published author. He now spends time on the Internet working on his businesses one of which can be seen at

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Teacher Stress - 5 Stress Relieving Techniques For Teachers

With nearly 90% of all teachers experiencing moderate to high levels of stress it is very important that teachers use stress relieving techniques to improve both their career and their health. While stress is evident in any job, teachers seem to face increased levels of stress due to their unique circumstances. Think about what a teacher must deal with day in and day out...high stakes exams, overcrowded classrooms, grading tests, grading homework, grading classwork, administrative paperwork, meeting with parents, department meetings, faculty meetings, challenging students, angry parents, an unsupportive community, and the list goes on...

Without using stress relieving techniques, teacher stress can manifest itself in many ways including headaches, back pain, frequent illness, heartburn, anger, impatience, depression, eating disorders, and insomnia. If not addressed, these manifestations may likely turn into heart disease and hypertension. Stress can even damage memory and cognitive skills.

Stress Management

What's worse is that teachers often don't know how to handle their stress and therefore it comes as no surprise that nearly 50% of all teachers quit within their first five years.

Teacher Stress - 5 Stress Relieving Techniques For Teachers

Fortunately, there are many simple stress relieving techniques that teachers can use that will help improve both their health and their career.

Here are five stress relieving techniques:

1. Get exercise! Do NOT use the excuse that you don't have time. You must make time. Make it part of your routine everyday. While it may be tough at first, you'll quickly find yourself with more energy and you'll be much more efficient at work.

2. Learn to say no. This can be quite difficult...especially as a new teacher. New teachers think they must say "yes" to everything in order to keep their job, but this can quickly lead to teacher burnout.

3. Join teacher discussion boards/forums. There are many teacher forums on the internet where teachers can not only vent their frustrations, but get real advice from real teachers who have experienced the same problems.

4. Think positive. In fact, don't just think positive thoughts, but actually say them out loud. In the morning, or on your way to work, say positive things about your job, about your students, about your colleagues. You'll be amazed at the impact that saying these things out loud can have on the rest of your day.

5. Cool down and take breaks. Teachers have a tendency to go straight through the day (and night) without taking a break. This is unhealthy and only adds to your stress level. Make sure to NOT work through lunch. Take that time to eat a healthy meal and talk to colleagues about things other than school. In other words let yourself take a mental break from the job during the day. Also, at the end of the school day, make a to-do list for the next day and then take ten minutes to relax and cool down with some other stress relieving techniques such as deep breathing exercises, stretching, or visualization.

Teacher Stress - 5 Stress Relieving Techniques For Teachers

There are many stress relieving techniques you can use to improve your health and your career.

To get 21 free stress relieving techniques and a free copy of "How to Win Your War Against Stress" visit

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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Stress Management For Nurses

There are huge amounts of stress in nursing but what can nurses do about this? The following stress management for nurses article goes into some depth to explain some stress relief techniques.

Please note that these techniques can be applied for the reduction of stress at work in any other field.

Stress Management

There are many techniques and tips when it comes to stress management for nurses. The trick, as always, is to actually implement these into your work life.

Stress Management For Nurses

I have found the best way of integrating things into a work practise is getting a routine going and through trial and error.

By getting a routine going you carry on doing something beneficial even when you don't feel like it. It's a habit, you do it anyway. The reality is, is that when you don't feel like it, this is usually the time when you need the technique the most!

Through trying out different techniques through trial and error, you learn first hand what works for you and what doesn't.

Stress Management for Nurses

I spent 6 months working for the National Health Service (NHS) in a hospital in the UK. I wasn't a nurse but an administrator. But I did learn many things which are helpful in stress management for nurses. I had to work quite closely with the nurses and doctors and saw the conditions they were put under.

The following techniques are ones I would recommend not only for nursing but also for any other stressful job:

1. Exercise

Nursing and being a doctor require huge levels of energy. You need to be on your feet a lot of the day in certain departments and the workload can be huge.

By keeping fit you put your body in a better position to cope with the physical and emotional strains which are placed on your body.

2. Healthy Eating

Doctors and nurses know all about how good nutrition means good health but oftentimes there isn't time to eat. Or you're just too tired to eat properly when you get home.

Tips I would suggest:

o Eat a really healthy breakfast: porridge with fruit, nuts and dried fruit is wonderful sustenance and will keep you going even if you miss lunch.

o Eat plenty of high energy food:: carbohydrates like brown rice, pasta, potatoes are wonderful for sustaining energy levels, protein (chicken, white meat, pulses is another energy boost), fruit (especially bananas as they are good for energy) and nuts (a great source of energy).

3. Visualizations

I have found the following techniques to be very powerful and I use them regularly in meetings and business situations.

There are several different ways you can use visualizations to reduce stress:

1. Imagine yourself to be surrounded by white light at all times of the day, especially if you're in a really stressful situation.

2. When you start to get really stressed, breathe deeply and imagine roots coming out of the bottom of your feet and grounding you. Release the tension into the ground.

3. Visualize mirrors around you. Don't allow the stress and sickness into you. Reflect it back out.

4. Loving Kindness (Tonglen)

This technique is completely different to the above techniques but it is important to see which ones work for you.

There is a wonderful Tibetan Buddhist teacher called Pema Chodron. She teaches a technique called Tonglen. The idea is that you breathe in others pain and breathe out love and compassion.

This technique was used by many Tibetan monks during their persecution by the Chinese. This is a testimony to how well it works!

1. You are confronted with a difficult situation or person; they are angry, stressed or anxious.

2. You consciously breathe in their darkness or their pain.

3. You then breathe out a white light, love, compassion, joy, equanimity.

4. You then breathe in the pain and darkness of everyone in the world

5. You breathe out healing and light to all beings.

It really is very simple and you will find your heart opening in joy and love rather than closing down in fear and pain. Try it now and see how well it works. Think of someone in pain and do it for them.

5. Affirmations

To repeat affirmations in very stressful situations is very helpful. If your mind is ranting about how difficult it is, it will become that.

Challenge your thoughts with positive words.

"I am coping",

"This too will pass",

"I am a wonderful being",

"I am doing wonderfully well",

"I am enough".

May you be well and take care, look after yourself first and then your cup will overflow.

Stress Management For Nurses

Piers Cross is the Director of Stress Relief Choices, a company which specializes in delivering stress relief to both individuals and companies. The website looks at stress management from his personal perspective of working for Fortune 500 companies to then living in a Buddhist monastery. This site offers access to relevant stress management information resources, articles, how to guides and videos:

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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Overcome the Top 10 Causes of Workplace Stress

Workplace stress is on the rise and it's costing corporate America a fortune. Some estimate that 80% of health care costs are stress related, and these expenses go right to the bottom line.

According to, Americans spent more than billion for anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs in 2002, up 10% from the year before and nearly 30% over a two year period.

Stress Management

The Institute for Management Excellence reports that American industry spends more than billion each year for medical bills and disability payments with another billion for executive's lost workdays, hospitalization, and early death.

Overcome the Top 10 Causes of Workplace Stress

In addition to these staggering figures, stress takes its toll through the added costs of quality control, legal challenges, lost opportunities, poor performance, bad attitudes, and training.

We cannot do much about the skyrocketing costs of medical care and prescription drugs, but we can take immediate action to control the top ten causes of stress as identified by The Global Business and Economic Roundtable on Addiction and Mental Health.

The countdown is:

10. "Workload" - Employees report that they are often stressed when they have too little or too much to do. Managers need to divide responsibilities and help employees prioritize work that must be done. Make sure you understand the impact before shifting responsibilities. Take into account the cost of stress before you increase anyone's workload or hire more people.

9. "Random interruptions" - Telephones, pagers, walk-in visits, and spontaneous demands from supervisors all contribute to increased stress. Time management, delegation of responsibilities, and clarification of expectations can reduce these stressors. 8. "Pervasive uncertainty" - Stress levels increase rapidly when people are confronted by new requirements and procedures. Keeping people informed controls stress and increases productivity. Put details in a memo so they can review the facts following your explanations.

8. "Pervasive uncertainty" - Stress levels increase rapidly when we are confronted by new requirements and procedures. Finding out what's going on and keeping staff informed helps control stress and increases productivity. Write out the information in a memo so you can review the facts. Staff members will appreciate the written analysis.

7. "Mistrust and unfairness" - These situations keep everyone on edge, create bad attitudes, and lower productivity. It is important to keep an open line of communication to avoid misunderstanding and know what people are thinking about your decisions. Managers must consistently build trust and give equal treatment - just do the right thing.

6. "Unclear policies and no sense of direction" -Lack of focus causes uncertainty and undermines confidence in management. You need more than a well-written policy manual. Enforcement of policies and clear communications are essential.

To make sure everyone gets the message, you can repeat your explanation in a variety of ways -repetition and feedback are important. Reinforce policies through memos, articles, bulletin board postings, personal meetings, and small group discussions.

5. "Career and job ambiguity" - If people are uncertain about their jobs and careers, there is a feeling of helplessness and of being out of control. In addition to the trusted job descriptions and annual personnel reviews, people need to understand a broad range of issues that affect the company.

News of mergers, consolidations, plant closings, and restructuring contribute to a feeling of helplessness. Management must keep people informed about situations that will affect their jobs, or the rumor mill will add to an already stressful situation.

4. "No feedback - good or bad" - People want to know whether they are meeting expectations. Consistent, written and verbal, personalized feedback is required. Some people need more attention than others, but everyone's performance is enhanced if leaders frequently affirm individual efforts.

3. "No appreciation" - Failure to show appreciation generates stress that endangers productivity throughout the company. There are many ways to demonstrate appreciation, but the most effective is a sincere comment about how much the person means to you and the company.

2. "Lack of communications" - Poor communication leads to decreased performance and increased stress. Management memos and announcements work well for distributing information, but two-way conversation improves communication and solicits ideas and suggestions while reducing stress and complaints.

1. "Lack of control" - Workplace stress is at its greatest when employees have no say regarding things that affect them. You can decrease sensitivity to all the other stressors and give a sense of being in control by involving employees in operating and administrative decisions and acting on their input. Frontline employees know what they are talking about. Listening to what they have to say reduces stress and increases productivity.

Effective managers understand that stress control is a leadership responsibility and give it just as much attention as any other management function.

Grasping the concepts and reducing stress one step at a time can have an amazing impact on your bottom line --and on the lives of those who do the heavy work.

Overcome the Top 10 Causes of Workplace Stress

Dale Collie - professional speaker, former US Army Ranger, CEO, and a Fast Company top 50 innovative leader. Author of "Winning Under Fire." (McGraw-Hill)

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Stress Creates Neck and Shoulder Pain

Lately I've seen patients with a lot of muscle tension in their neck and shoulders. Their shoulders are hunched up under their ears, and their necks so stiff they can barely move them. Severe neck and shoulder stiffness and pain may require physical therapy to alleviate symptoms, but I'd like to share with you the things you can do to both prevent and alleviate neck and shoulder pain.

Causes of Neck and Shoulder Pain

Stress Management

My patients are surprised when I tell them that most neck and shoulder stress/pain is caused by structural stress, simple things we do everyday that can cause neck and shoulder pain:

Stress Creates Neck and Shoulder Pain

o Bad posture - Sitting, or standing, with poor posture, or slouching, causes your head to tilt forward putting continual torque on neck and shoulder muscles to prevent your head from sliding forward.

o Raising the shoulder muscles - In our daily routine, we continuously, usually unknowingly, raise the levator scapulae, the major muscles of the shoulders. This creates tension of the neck and base of skull muscles. We do this in a few ways:

1. Typing at a keyboard that is too high - and/or resting your elbows on arm rests of a too low chair while you work at a desk causes your shoulders to ride up. Spend 8 hours everyday, 5 days a week doing this and you can cause pain in your neck and shoulders.

2. Cradling a phone between your ear and shoulder - many of us do this several times a day if our jobs require talking on the phone.

3. Doing overhead work that causes you to lift your arms above your head for long periods of time, like painting ceilings, lifting heavy boxes to high shelves, etc.

4. A constant state of anxiety brought on by chronic stress. This causes us to literally "get our back up", raising and holding our shoulders in a kind of self-protective posture, much like an animal will arch their back, and put their head down perceiving an attack.

Warning Symptoms of Chronic Neck and Shoulder Pain

Most of us are familiar with that general uncomfortable feeling like a tight band is around our neck and shoulders and perhaps some very sore trigger points, areas that when touched makes us wince. In addition, we might not be able to move our head to either side without causing pain in our necks and shoulders. However, with poor repetitive structural habits, you could have symptoms of compressed nerves in your cervical spine that require a doctor:

oNumbness or tingling in hands and/or fingertips.

oBurning sensations in the muscles of the upper arms.

oWeakness lifting the arms, and/or dropping objects.

oHeadaches and/or constant tenderness in the occipital muscles, that band of muscles at the base of your head that extends from ear to ear.

A Simple Exercise To Relieve Tightness

Below is a simple stretching exercise you can do a few times a day while working to relax neck and shoulder muscles:

oBend head forward, chin on chest, then back to original position.

oHead forward, bend your head to the right, then back to original position; bend to the left, then back to original position.

oBend head slightly backward, then to the original position.

oBend head forward, chin to chest, tilt head to the right, then to the left.

Other Things You Can Do

Simple, common sense will help keep your neck and shoulder muscles healthy:

oObserve correct workspace ergonomics for your job. Adjust chair and keyboard height. Use a headset or speakerphone to avoid phone cradling.

oObserve good overhead mechanics. Take frequent stretching breaks to relax the neck and shoulder muscles. Practice correct lifting of heavy items. Most of us don't have forklifts at home or in our offices, so break down heavy boxes into more manageable sizes.

oDo aerobic exercise like walking, running, rebounding, to reduce tension.

oDrink water. Muscles and joints need adequate water to function properly. At least eight, 8 oz glasses per day, or more depending on your weight, environment (very cold, very hot needs more) and activity.

oGet a massage - acupressure massage done by a professional practitioner can work wonders on tight neck and shoulder muscles, relieving pain.

oA warm bath in Epsom salts will help remove lactic acid build up in stiff and sore muscles that can cause pain. An analgesic cream containing menthol can help relax tight muscles further.

oCalcium and magnesium supplements can also help relieve tension and pain in tight muscles.

Even though you might not be able to remove stress from your life, or completely avoid physical maneuvers that strain your neck and shoulder muscles, you can remove, or greatly alleviate, the tension in your neck and shoulders that can develop. Adhering to good neck and shoulder habits, and spending a few minutes each day doing simple stretching exercises can help you manage muscle tension so it doesn't continue to be a serious pain in your neck.

Stress Creates Neck and Shoulder Pain

Mark Bromson, M.D.

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Talent Management, Acquisition and the Importance of Role Consultancy


In all businesses today, aligning human resource management with business strategy has become an important element to succeed. Organisational restructuring, managing key resource requirements, performance management systems, career and succession planning have all been re-aligned to form synergy with the company's overall business strategy.

Stress Management

With increased competition, changing workforce demographics, talent shortages and increased globalization, many organizations are now proactively studying leadership, demographic and economic trends, to prepare for their future workforce needs. HR departments are developing comprehensive workforce plans and talent management strategies centered on attracting, assessing, selecting, engaging, and retaining talent

Talent Management, Acquisition and the Importance of Role Consultancy

The practice of Talent Management is more important in today's economy than it has ever been. Now in the new millennium, we find ourselves in the talent age. In the new millennium the only unique asset that many companies have to maintain a competitive edge is their people. In the global market place and every industry around the world, it is the talent and its management that differentiates and sets the tone for success or failure
To achieve organizational goals, one must synchronize their business strategy and human capital strategy. Successful organisations have the right talent in place at all levels - people who look beyond the obvious and take the business into the future. The basis for ensuring this is an integrated approach to talent management.

Finding and keeping the right people has an enormous effect on one's organization's financial performance. Identifying these talents and hiring people whose talents are similar to those of top performers are crucial steps toward achieving individual and organizational success Talent management and leadership development remain the biggest Human Resources challenges. The two issues are rated "highly critical for success" Talent management means aligning talent strategies with organisational needs; attracting and selecting the right people, identifying and shaping their potential and fuelling their enthusiasm and commitment

Effective talent management is a critical business goal for all leading organisations in today's economy. Human resource management is a process of bringing people and organizations together so that the goals of each other are met. The role of Human Resource manager is shifting from that of a protector and screener to the role of a planner and change agent. The knowledge age moved the basis of economic value to information assets through integrated communications and computer technology. Now the competitive battlefront is for the best people because they are the true creators of value. PEOPLE provide unique knowledge, an inherent component of the value-proposition that PEOPLE bring to an organization; knowledge gained through education, training, and experience. Investment in PEOPLE will position organizations for continual innovation in an increasingly diverse, competitive and ever-changing climate

Human capital is the most vital resource in any organization and also the most difficult to manage. Today the success of Human Resources professionals is directly linked to the quality of talent and its productivity and they are being held accountable to deliver on stringent and measurable performance metrices. Building a competitive talent pool is a function of attracting, engaging and retaining the right mix of competencies. Companies are also increasingly hiring employees whose personalities and values reflect those of the organization

Talent Management is more and more business critical to organizations, bringing with it, new visibility and challenges. For Human resources people, employees are the face of company's brand and the most vital asset of one's business. They drive organisation's productivity and profitability. Aligning Talent Acquisition to the organization's strategic objectives is imperative to the success of the organization and Human Resources tend to concentrate in recruiting those key people and focus their attention and resources on developing them. Indian organizations are also witnessing a change in systems, management cultures and philosophy due to the global alignment of Indian organizations. There is a need for multi skill development.

It would be apt at this juncture to recapitulate on the nuances on Talent Acquisition and Recruitment

Recruitment and Talent Acquisition are used synonymously but there is quite a lot of difference between the two. Recruitment involves the process of filling up of the vacancies where as talent acquisition shows the strategic hiring of talent not only for the current requirement but also planning for future. McKinsey & Company (1997) that coined the term 'the war of talent', predicted that there is high demand for managerial talent in future. The survey report insisted on five elements for tapping the successful talent such as talent mindset, growing great leaders, employee value proposition, continuous top talent recruitment and differentiation. Hence the companies need to be forearmed to anticipate and determine the talents.

Recruiting- been viewed as a transactional, commodity based business function to fill job openings with qualified people. In contrast, Talent Acquisition is distinct elements of the Talent Management continuum, a proactive, strategic function, procuring talent for the organization's value add. Talent Acquisition is no longer a silo in the human resource function, but collaboration with specialists from other functional areas within Talent Management to posture a company for talent who will evolve and become strategic partners within the organization. Talent Management/Acquisition asks: do we have a strategy in place to attract and retain qualified employees; do we know what business is in the pipeline, what the staffing needs are for the next six-twelve months, bill rates that determine potential candidate salaries, etc

On moving to a Talent Acquisition model there is a significant difference between those organizations that practice recruiting and those that have a talent acquisition practices

Recruiting- To identify & select a person for a position.
Talent - A special often creative, artistic or mental gift.
Acquisition - To gain possession of something as a result of effort or experience.

Strategic Talent Acquisition takes a long-term view of not only filling positions today, but also using the candidates that come out of a recruiting campaign as a means to fill similar positions in the future In the most enlightened cases of Strategic Talent Acquisition, clients will recruit today for positions that do not even exist today but are expected to become available in the future. Recruiting is involved on the front end of the process; Talent Acquisition would be as a collaborative business partner. Aligning Talent Acquisition to the organization's strategic objectives is imperative to the success of the organization

Role of Consultancy in Talent Acquisition and Talent Management.

The Talent Acquisition needs of companies are becoming more and more intricate - which means more focus and effort for proper functioning. Cross location, multiple skills, blend of technologies and personal attributes makes the hiring process a very involved effort

By outsourcing Talent Acquisition function, the organisation can focus on core business issues, while they have a reliable framework of Talent supply. This is a new emerging paradigm which is making a lot of companies tread this path. Nurturing Human Capital via Talent Management, would be the focus of Talent acquisition and recruitment. Recruitment Support includes activities from pre- and final- screening, interview management, Offer Management and Data Management. Recruitment is integral to talent management and requires considerable executive management mindshare. Recruiting is changing fast, with myriad challenges facing those responsible for attracting, hiring and retaining top talent.

The role of human resources has shifted within most leading organizations and Human Resource practitioners are now required to demonstrate value to the business. Talent acquisition platform can be configured to fit the size and structure of any recruiting organization Working closely with the business, Talent Acquisition Consultant- would manage all Experienced Hire Recruitment

Talent Acquisition Consultancy would work in cohesion and coordinate with the respective & assigned business function(s) to source, recruit and select the best Talent for the organiation

Talent Acquisition Consultancy - would work in the role of a partner to align strategies that would support business objectives and create processes, tools and cultures that attract, motivate, engage and retain strong, high-potential Talent.

Talent Acquisition Consultancy- with the background and exposure of global competence in executive recruiting, and also country specific knowledge; will be in position to play a critically important role in identifying high profile executives and recruiting top global talent. Talent Search Service would range from single assignment to regional or global and could include multiple positions in various locations

Talent Acquisition Consultancy Would Play A Significant Role In

Identifying Top/Senior level Talent for all business groups and be responsible for identification, recruitment and on-boarding of senior level leaders throughout the organization utilizing direct sourcing techniques including personal networking, online search, and leveraging internal tools and resources

Responsible for providing creative sourcing solutions to customers in a consultative role. Recruiting through a variety of sources, including Internet, professional associations, networking, advertisements, job fairs, university relations, etc. Function as a full business partner to develop staffing processes, identify business issues and recommend innovative solutions.

Find, assess, engage, hire, and on-board the highest quality candidates, especially in the critical skill areas. Assess candidate skills, background and fit so as to predict performance levels and styles with a high degree of accuracy.

Manage the full life-cycle of the recruiting process - Recruit / Source, contact, screen candidates.

Assess candidate's competency to include job fit, motivational fit and culture fit.

Source, identify, and screen candidates to determine if their technical ability, attitude and personality make them a fit for the Client's culture

Develop candidate talent pipelines through sourcing channels, recruitment campaigns, internet searches, networking groups, social media, database search

Talent Management

Once the Talent Acquisition process is completed the human resource professionals have to concentrate on the next level of Talent Management- Talent Development. It is necessary to develop the skills of the employees through Training and Development Talent Management in organizations is not just limited to attracting the best people from the industry but it is a continuous process that involves sourcing, hiring, developing, retaining and promoting them while meeting the organization's requirements simultaneously

Talent Management, as the name itself suggests is managing the ability, competency and power of employees within an organization. The concept is not restricted to recruiting the right candidate at the right time but it extends to exploring the hidden and unusual qualities of one's employees and developing and nurturing them to get the desired results. Hiring the best talent from the industry may be a big concern for the organizations today but retaining them and most importantly, transitioning them according to the culture of the organization and getting the best out of them is a much bigger concern

To achieve success in business, the most important thing is to recognize the talent that can accompany one in achieving one's goal. Attracting them to work for you and strategically fitting them at a right place in your organization is the next step. It is to be remembered that placing a candidate at a wrong place can multiply one's problems regardless of the qualifications, skills, abilities and competency of that person

Talent Acquisition and Talent retention are like the two sides of a coin that are critical in the human capital management. Innovative technologies are to be adopted to enhance the process of Talent Management. With the dynamic situation prevailing in the global employability status, the role of human resource managers is very imperative in maintaining the talent balance. Holistic cum participatory approach is to be followed for harnessing the real benefits of Talent Management system. The Talent Management system that acts as a driver to performance excellence has to be integrated with the rest of the areas in the company and through effective Talent Management strategy.

The practice of talent management would involve no of strategies used in the management of human capital resources and their application. We shall dwell on few critical issues that are imperative in the management of talent and their significance:- i. e for Talent Management Best Practices:-

Key points & factors

Talent Acquisition
Assessing organizational talent readiness and execution capability Identifying talent gaps Identifying mission critical positions selection- identification- & recruitment- of right people assessment- assessing competencies of apt profile

Retaining Talent

In the current climate of change, it's critical to hold onto the key people. These are the people who will lead the organisation to future success, and the organisation can't afford to lose them
Employees are more likely to join stay within an organization if they believe the prospects are good for longer-term career and leadership development

To realise this and to attract and retain Talent -Organisation need to have a

Workforce planning ·building a road map for implementation

Diversity programmes designed to develop, retain and promote diverse Talent

Career Planning- - scope of advancement in career for employees- their effort being valued and recognized-

Selecting Talent:- Management should implement proven Talent selection systems and tools to create profiles of the right people based on the competencies of high performers. It's not simply a matter of finding the "best and the brightest," it's about creating the right fit - both for today and tomorrow.
Coaching and Mentoring- development of-new competencies. Using development to drive business objectives Building an effective development plan Development of employees - for a elevated and key position

Developing processes for Succession Planning and Talent pipelines

Managing Succession: Effective organisations anticipate the leadership and Talent requirement to succeed in the future. Leaders understand that it's critical to strengthen their Talent pool through succession planning, professional development, job rotation and workforce planning. They need to identify potential Talent and groom it.

The cost of replacing a valued employee is enormous. Organisations need to promote diversity and design strategies to retain people, reward high performance and provide opportunities for development.
It's imperative to assess existing talent within the organization. Talented and ambitious people are more likely to stay with their current employer if they receive positive development, motivation and encouragement to reach their potential

Organisation need to focus on managing the needs of individual employees, in alignment with organizational objectives, while identifying and deploying top performers accordingly.

a) For the individual: Coaching and mentoring based on discovered needs.
b) For the work team: Identifying top performers, or "stars," and capitalizing on their talent.
c) For the organization: Maximizing return on investment by putting the right person with the right skills in the right job at the right time

Identification & selection of - high performers- represent the requisite competencies of the organisation and also inspiration to others to follow suit.

Focusing on Core Talent

Companies are increasingly looking at bringing exceptional talent on board for those roles that are core to their business and·building a business case for inclusion in the organizations strategic policy
In an increasingly global business world, where teams work across borders, understanding different work cultures is the key to success.

In India, there is a high demand for good talent and hence a lot of attention is being given to retaining and engaging that talent. Retaining talent for Indian companies has become a key factor in their growth strategies.

We shall just give a brief sketeh of talent management systems adopted in an Indian organisation.

Mahindra and Mahindra -- A US . 5 billion multinational group based in Mumbai, India, with more than 137,000 people in over 100 countries, in the business of utility vehicles, information technology, tractors, and vacation ownership- - created a robust Talent Management system to attract, nurture and promote employees.

Anand Mahindra, the group's 57-year-old vice-chairman and managing director has been grooming some key leaders to replace the ageing stars. A Talent Management programme conceptualised in 2004 to chart out the succession plan for top executives, has already produced eight key leaders.

For the group, organisational restructuring posed the greatest challenge keeping in mind the changing dynamics in the business especially the tractor and automotive division. the re-alignment was necessitated by changing dynamics in the business environment. the objective was to grow leadership positions in the UV and tractor market and developing successful businesses in relatively new business areas like IT, financial services, realty and infrastructure development and also service industries like Time share (Club Mahindra). "Keeping in mind the new business objectives the challenge was to re-orient the human resource management towards these objectives. "

To achieve these objectives the company began a full reassessment of organisation and management structure with the help of consultants like Mckinsey's, Arthur Anderson and Korn Ferry. The outcome was, clear roles and responsibilities were identified and the competency required for each role was mapped. The officers went through individual assessments of competencies against the requirement of each role. External consultants as well as internal assessors ran assessment centres and each individual was then placed based on competency and role fitment

THE RETIREMENT OF ARUN NANDA (Executive Director - 2 Years ago) marked the beginning of the end of a long reign of stalwarts. New leaders are already rising and showing every sign that the group's succession planning initiatives will help fill the void. Most are in their forties, rising rapidly and are being thrown into different roles in the group - clues that they are being groomed for greater responsibilities.

Many emerging leaders were inducted onto the group's apex-decision making body Group Executive Board in 2010 in preparation for the retirement of six members on the board.

Anita Arjundas, the 44-year-old head of the real estate business and the lone woman member of the group executive board, mirrors the emergence of a quiet transition that is taking place inside the automobile-to-aviation group.


Today, companies have become fiercely competitive when it comes to attracting and retaining Talent. The present scenario with abundant opportunities has triggered a wave of employees, perpetually "on the move", forever seeking better opportunities whenever, wherever and however they can

Talented people want to be a part of something they believe in and not just a fat pay package. A culture of commitment is the key to employee retention- a culture that concentrates on vision, mission, values and ambitious goals to attract and hold on to talented people. This culture of commitment can only set in if there are guiding principles or core values that are of intrinsic importance to those in the organisation.

Cultural dimensions as a tool to retain talent zeroes in on functional, technical and control aspects, while simultaneously dealing with inspiration, emotion, energy, enthusiasm, collaboration and camaraderie, openness and a sense of belonging

At the end of the day, creating and delivering a great employee value proposition is clearly the best way to retain good people. Research shows that companies which have recognised the need to give priority to its people management-driven strategies are the winners

Talent Management, Acquisition and the Importance of Role Consultancy


Will give a good understanding of the Concept of Talent Management and its constituents and its practical relevance and applicability in a True Life Business Environment.

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Sunday, June 10, 2012

6 Management Strategies For Organizational Change Success

Human beings tend to resist anything they view as stressful, and let's face it, organizational changes are about as stressful as it can get!

For most of us, familiarity with our surroundings, our relationships and our working environment allows us to reside safely inside our comfort zone. And comfort equals security.

Stress Management

But when our comfort zone is detonated by changes in management or organizational systems, we implode, seeking the shelter of our innate desire to resist, at all costs.

6 Management Strategies For Organizational Change Success

Changes that occur outside of our control force us to adapt to new rules, new systems and new policies which can, at the outset, make us feel uncomfortable and insecure.

However, a responsible and responsive management team can intercede before staff resistance spreads like the plague and threatens the smooth transition of organizational changes.

Effective team leaders acknowledge and understand that it is a basic human instinct to react to change with resistance, even though staff may fully comprehend the reasons why changes in the organization are vital to its existence and growth.

6 Management Strategies to Avert Resistance

1. A clear outline - Discomfort and insecurity arises when staff are not made aware of the policies, principles, guidelines and structure of intended changes. Every employee needs to know how his/her position will be affected and what his/her role requires.
2. Commitment -Implementation of organizational changes will not occur smoothly if everyone - from the CEO to the office clerk - is not committed to the project and its successful outcome.
3. Advocacy - Each member of an organization who may be affected by the impending changes must be given the opportunity to express his/her opinion.
4. Responsibility - It is the role of the team leader to ensure that each employee who is responsible for a component of the change strategy is held accountable for his/her actions in implementing the changes required.
5. Acknowledgement - Evaluation and acknowledgement of the success of the change strategy at regular intervals ensures its smooth implementation.
6. Flexibility - Management needs to adopt a flexible approach to each stage of development of a change strategy so that unforeseen contingencies can be implemented, if and where necessary.

It only takes one irresolute employee to destabilize an entire workforce, so periods of internal change within an organization require management to stay vigilant for any signs of rumblings or disapproval.

Long-standing employees can feel betrayed and rejected when changes are announced by management. They often experience a sense of loss, confusion, frustration and job insecurity. The plan for job advancement they have often calculated appears to be shot to pieces.

So they react with denial and resistance to the imminent changes.

Management's ability to recognize these patterns of behavior and work to overcome any resistance establishes how well they will accomplish organizational changes. Their willingness to invest in the support and training necessary is an integral factor in achieving a positive outcome.

Employees aren't the only ones who have to adapt to changes within the organization.

Top level managers generally bear the brunt of discontented staff from the ground up. Senior managers who have been instrumental in bringing about the changes within the organization often underestimate the impact those changes will have on their employees.

Unrealistic expectations of how their staff will react (or over-react!) often causes top level managers to retreat and isolate themselves from the problem when the impact of their proposed changes filter back to them.

However, they tend to lay the blame at the feet of middle management if employees resist or complain about the changes.

Middle management tend to carry the most stress during times of organizational change. They feel "trapped", unless they have exceptional leadership skills; besieged by resistant employees who look to them for guidance yet often denied direction and focus by top level management.

Those in middle management often find themselves acting as the arbiter during times of organizational upheaval.

However, organizational changes within a business often prove to be a suitable testing ground for leadership qualities; from the employees all the way through to top level management.

Those who possess the qualities that define a good leader often emerge during the stressful environment that usually accompanies change. This creates an ideal opportunity for potential leaders to display those qualities and be recognized accordingly.

6 Management Strategies For Organizational Change Success

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