Saturday, June 9, 2012

Types of Stress - The Different Faces of Stress

Stress is something that we all deal with on a daily basis. It has made itself a big part of everyday life. No matter how much we might wish or hope a world without stress would not be very good for us. We would have no reason to choose to excel which means we would soon fade into obscurity. It is true that the type of stress does not matter when it comes to the effects that they can have upon the body. The benefit to be gained comes in by being able to tell the difference between good and bad stress. By being able to correctly identify what type of stress you are suffering from you will then be able to know whether or not you should address it.

Types of Positive Stress

Stress Management

The first type of stress that must be addressed is positive stress. Positive stress can help you to achieve your goals in life. One example of positive stress can be found in the workplace. The corporate executive who wears his power tie to the board meetings and thrives on getting up in front of everyone to give a proposal is making use of stress in a positive manner. It allows him to give the best possible presentation while not worrying about the stress of trying to make sure each of the board members will be pleased. Another type of positive stress is that faced by "soccer moms." They seem to be able to balance a hectic schedule of running between sports games, dance recitals, and band practice while still maintaining a clean and well balanced household. This stress can help her to juggle all the odd hours and schedules that she must maintain to keep her household running.

Types of Stress - The Different Faces of Stress

Types of Negative Stress

The next sort of stress that we can examine is the negative sort. Negative stress can affect you on a psychological level as well as a physical one. An example of negative stress in the workplace is easily found. Take the foreman of a manufacturing plant for example. He is pushed by his superiors to maintain a high level of quality but also must meet many short deadlines. He also deals with employees who are less than willing to give a full day's work and could care less about the quality of goods they are producing. This person is liable to have extremely high levels of stress which can affect his health. He may have high blood pressure and get sick easily. He may also require medication for his depression that is stress linked. You also have stress that is family related that can be quite harmful as well. Take the single mother who is trying to raise three children, make ends meet, and works two jobs. Odds are that she faces a great deal of negative stress. Just trying to make sure that her children have a hot meal and are ready for bed on time can be hard sometimes.

Sometimes it seems as if we should examine where the stress comes from rather than label it a certain type of stress. Everyone's individual stress is different. By knowing whether it is stress in the home, workplace, school, or wherever that is causing your own certain stress then you can better know how to reduce that stress to a manageable level and change it from a negative type into a positive one.

Types of Stress - The Different Faces of Stress

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Felix Nutter has gone from bar work, to telesales to selling multi-million pound corporate deals in face to face negotiations. He helps business owners and entrepreneurs to OBLITERATE their fear of selling. Find out how you can use the exact selling skills he uses to close deals by visiting []

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