Friday, August 17, 2012

Stress Management - How Writing Can Relieve Stress

You have probably heard the quote that everybody has a novel in them. It is often used by aspiring novelists to motivate themselves to press on with that great unfinished work that may be gathering dust at the bottom of their writing desk. I think the idea springs from the fact that everybody has something original to say about something (at least once !). That something original is their life experience. Importantly, what they experienced and how they dealt with it. It is a chance for them to take stock of their lives and put it in order.

Without being a novelist or aspiring writer, anyone can write to take stock of their lives and put it in order. In this way they can deal with issues that may be causing them stress and come up with ways to solve the issue and relieve the stress.

Stress Management

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A common way to relieve stress through writing is to keep a journal/diary. By making an entry everyday about your inner most thoughts, daily struggles or major disappointments you can work through the problem at hand and the way you feel about the problem. This has two benefits. It gives you an outlet to discuss things you may be hesitant to discuss aloud and it can give you ideas on how to deal with the problem now or in the future. If done well an entry in your journal can be a truly cathartic experience.

Stress Management - How Writing Can Relieve Stress

Another benefit of keeping a well established journal is that it serves as a history of your life. It can motivate you when you have stressful issues to deal with. You can read how you overcame previous issues and give you confidence with the current problem

Keeping a diary that is a daily planner and record of future planned events can also relieve stress. By planning ahead you are effectively taking control of future events and potentially circumventing any stressful issues that may occur.

For people more interested in the writing process, taking a creative writing class or workshop can be a great way to relieve stress. Creative writing classes often involve writing a fictional short story that will be read by your classmates. They will then discuss the merits of the story from stylistic and thematic points of view. This process can be a great outlet to put your inner thoughts on paper and then have them analysed by other people.

As a way to relieve stress, writing gives a person an opportunity to commit their inner most thoughts to paper. This act in itself can be seen as a way of dealing with potentially stressful issues. The by-product is that new ways of dealing with the problem may be found.

Stress Management - How Writing Can Relieve Stress

Adrian Whittle writes for The site covers many issues related to stress including Post traumatic stress disorder and common symptoms of stress on the body.

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